My new Albino Burm


Active Member
Picked it up, tonight, from a friend of mine, who's had it for aprox. 1 year.
Obviously, my friend didn't know much about them...keeping it on sand, without any place to hide and not in the proper temp or humidity.
It's currently going thru a bad molt, but starting tomorrow, it'll gonna get lots of TLC, from me. It's aprox. 4' long and housed in a tiny 40gal breeder. It'll be moved to my 200gal. tank, which has been modified and set up specifically for it...lots of mulch, places to hide and plenty of places to climb.
Here are it's first pics. I call it "it" because I'm not sure of the ---. A name is forth coming...I'm thinking of Sem Cor, which means "without color", in Portugese.



Active Member
AW, that is a beautiful snake, to help w/ that molt id give it a warm water soak. its very noble of u to rescue that animal from an unknowledgable hobbyist, and it sounds like uve got a good setup coming for it, tho keep in mind if its female she will get very big, where if its male then he will stay smaller. whats it been eating?


omg that is so cool ive always wanted one but they get so big :jumping:


Active Member
I have a friend, who is a herpatologist and he's given me some very good advice, about helping out with the shed. I wanted to give it overnight, before I started messing around with it...give it time to settle in, etc.
The previous owner was feeding live mice, once a week. As soon as the bad molt is over and the new tank is set up (with separate feeding enclosure), I'm gonna start working to get it to eat dead/frozen rats.
I hope it is a male, because I'd like to keep it long term. If it's a female, there's not way I'll ever be able to make a permanent home for it. Fortunately, I do know people in the public zoo industry and don't think I'd have a problem relocating it, when the time comes.


Active Member
is it possible u could get a shot of the tail area? i may be able to tell whether it is male or female by the shape and girth of the tale


Active Member
I put a hide box in the tank, today and it immediately crawled into it and hasn't come out since.
The tail is long and slender. From everything I've been reading, I think it might be a male.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
I put a hide box in the tank, today and it immediately crawled into it and hasn't come out since.
The tail is long and slender. From everything I've been reading, I think it might be a male.
ya, its probably a male, tho to be sure id have to see a tail shot so i could compare to my female's tail


Active Member
Wow, that thing is probably starving on mice! Glad you stepped in to take it, a snake like that deserves to be with someone who will take proper care of it. Even if you can't keep it long term hopefully you can get it to good health and to a knowledgable home. Sounds like a decent set up for now.


Active Member
Well, my friend was feeding a mouse a week...not enough, but still not bad, either.
I'm gonna let it go for 2 - 3 weeks and then start feeding rats.


Active Member
what size rats do u plan on starting on? if hes fairly thick around u could probably go w/ large rats or maybe even jumbo rats


Staff member
AW, did not realize that you were in to herps!
BTW, I was just about to throw some advise your way about husbandry conditions....until I read on.
Nice looking burm and congrads!
I would recommend a larger water bowl to accommodate soaking. I use a small kitty litter box which works real well. I also use mailing boxes for hide spots....obviously I'm not too concerned with aesthetics.


Staff member
Upon closer inspection of those pics, I see some shed issues. Needs a good 15 min soak in luke warm water while you work that shed off.


Staff member
15 min soaks in the bathtub in lukewarm water while you work at removing that shed will do the trick for this baby. Be sure the lens are clear.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
AW, did not realize that you were in to herps!
BTW, I was just about to throw some advise your way about husbandry conditions....until I read on.
Nice looking burm and congrads!
I would recommend a larger water bowl to accommodate soaking. I use a small kitty litter box which works real well. I also use mailing boxes for hide spots....obviously I'm not too concerned with aesthetics.
Thanks, Beth. I was really hoping you'd pop up, in here. I've been into herps for a long time, just haven't kept many. When I was younger (and stupid), I kept an Eastern Diamondback, that I'd caught myself. I was maybe 15, at the time. Other than that, I've kept Tokay and Leopard Geckos, as well as a Ball Python. What I've wanted for a long time and eventually will have...a black Roughneck Monitor (Varanus rudicollis).
I'm not too concerned with aesthetics either...I just found a cardboard box, cut a hole in it and put it in the tank. He stays there most of the time, because it's also the spot where the heating pad is. When I get the 200gal set up, I'm gonna for a full "natural" setup and fashion a hide box out of a small tree trunk.
I had also thought about using a kitty litter box, for water.
Originally Posted by Beth

15 min soaks in the bathtub in lukewarm water while you work at removing that shed will do the trick for this baby. Be sure the lens are clear.
You can't really tell it, from the pics, but I believe his eye caps have already shed. His eyes are not the least bit cloudy...very clear and bright.
Today, he's not as cranky as he has been...thankfully. I know it's bound to happen, but I'm really not looking forward to getting tagged by him. lol I have large Rubbermaid containers, that I was gonna soak him in. How deep do you think the water should be?...I wouldn't think deep enough to completely submerge. And, should I leave him soak for 15 - 20 min and then try to pick off the rest of the shed?
Currently, I'm keeping him at 80 degrees and 55% - 65% humidity. What's the best way to raise humidity? I've been meaning to ask that but keep forgetting.


Active Member
Great looking snake!
Back in college I had a very nice 8' albino burmese I picked up for $30 from a local pet shop, they couldn't get him to eat and thought he was gonna die. We built a cutom terrarium in our basement and over the course of 3 years he really grew and was a great animal. I fed mine rats and young chickens (could pick up the chicks from Rural King for $1.00 each but I always felt guilty cus they were so cute).
We also had a pair of savanna monitors, which were nasty buggers...I always dreaded having to get into their habitat to clean.