My new nano pics


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my free acro frag- it isnt bleached. The color is actually really nice- light cream color with blue blue tips....


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I have no clue.

I like the black sand. I like the contrast. It has settled down and holds together quite well now.


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My first Alveopora was dead when it got here

I thought it would pull out of it but it didnt.
SOOOO they sent me a new one! I didnt think this one was gonna make it either. The shipping carton was amazing! It looked like something out of James Bond.
The box was all poured foam with a square insert in the middle. I pulled up the foam block- it was warm this time!:D
As I start pulling up the newspaper I notice it is WET. UH OH!!
I get down to the coral and there wasnt any water. It had split the bag:scared:
So Im driving like a maniac to run home and put this little guy in some water.
Today it started to perk up. I think its gonna make it!!



Originally posted by JacknJill
black sand? thats different. let me know how you like it. where did you get it from? i think its really cool

I have black sand in my 5.5gal and the only negative is that you see everything that falls down for the rock and all the the fish droppings. But if you keep it real clean it gives the tank a lot of depth and looks real nice.


Active Member
Yeah you do see little bits of rock but I dont mind. I dont see too much of anything else because the hermits and snails eat most of it.


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Why thank you! It is still a work in progress. I want to get a bunch of crazy colored zoos and scatter them and tiny frogspawn too


Nice tank. Love the sand. The only place I have seen black sand was on my honeymoon in Greece. I did take some home but it has been in a case for 7 years now. Keep it up looks great.


hey clarkiclo you did it you convinced me to get a nano cube i was just doin a reg 10g nano but when i went to order the pc hood i need to keep corals it was only $20 cheeper than the whole nano cube setup just a few questions if you may.
what upgrades if any would you make
i would just be putting the lr ls and water from my 10 in there i wouldn't need to do another cycle would i
i read earlier that you up graded the return pump in the filtration and was wondering i have a small ph now and could i just use that?
thank you for the inspiration :happy: