Originally Posted by KrazeKajin
It would climb our wetsuits and instantly change colors.
Mine changes color faster than anything I've ever witnessed. He looks like his body is actually pulsing in different colors when he is eating. I can't use words or even pictures to describe how cool it is. You'll all just have to come by and see it for yourself . . . it was 79 degrees here today! :joy:
Originally Posted by KrazeKajin
What do you feed it and have you had any ink incidents yet.
What species are good for the 29gallon, and what are not good.
I purchased small live clams that I feed him. I set up a 10 gallon similar to how most quarantine tanks are done (postings 50 and 51 show pictures). I've got about 20 pounds of LR, a filter, heater, and the clams. Bare bottom makes it much easier to find them when its time for Owen to eat.
Fortunately, he hasn't inked. I think that being tank-raised definitely helped. He is used to being inside an aquarium with people looking at him.
Honestly, I only thoroughly researched the bimac, but I know there are dwarf octos that stay even smaller (so a 29 would be fine).
A bit off subject, but today is my birthday!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Owen's acheivement of the day . . . he actually pulled the inside portion of my magnetic algae cleaner off the glass. I can't believe how strong he is to have done that! I thought it was cute when he went up to it to check it out. Next thing I know he has his tentacles wrapped around it and were pulling it off the glass!!! I'll post more pictures tomorrow.