Active Member
Hey everyone...totally forgot about this thread 
Hefner - thanks for looking through the thread. I feel your pain. There are a TON of fish out there and you have to make your decisions on your long term goal of their housing. As for me, I know that my 180 is not their final home. I am planning my upgrade within the next 12 months. I just got a go ahead from my wife on a 10'x3'x3' tank. It should be a fun project (it will be an in-wall tank)
Kiki - thanks! I love my fish and treat them like my children. It is almost to the point of insanity...but isnt that what this hobby is all about?
Spiderwoman - the rocks are just stacked. I dont attach them due to the fact that I re-aquascape every couple of months.
-- - thanks! My niger has a special place in my heart as it was a savior from *****. He was 1.5" and in bad shape, and now he is big and beautiful.
Now...for the updates.
Like I mentioned above, I am in the process of planning my large tank in the basement. My plan is to have everything that they will ever need. Lots of water, lots of rock, and LOT of Angels.
I am also in the process of securing a Clarion angel! Thats right, a clarion. I have been searching for one for a while (that was not rediculously priced) and finally have a great opportunity. It could be in my QT tank by end of next month.
I am going to have to make some room in the tank and the triggers may be going to a 125 by themselves once the fish is QT'd.
Stay tuned....
Hefner - thanks for looking through the thread. I feel your pain. There are a TON of fish out there and you have to make your decisions on your long term goal of their housing. As for me, I know that my 180 is not their final home. I am planning my upgrade within the next 12 months. I just got a go ahead from my wife on a 10'x3'x3' tank. It should be a fun project (it will be an in-wall tank)
Kiki - thanks! I love my fish and treat them like my children. It is almost to the point of insanity...but isnt that what this hobby is all about?
Spiderwoman - the rocks are just stacked. I dont attach them due to the fact that I re-aquascape every couple of months.
-- - thanks! My niger has a special place in my heart as it was a savior from *****. He was 1.5" and in bad shape, and now he is big and beautiful.
Now...for the updates.
Like I mentioned above, I am in the process of planning my large tank in the basement. My plan is to have everything that they will ever need. Lots of water, lots of rock, and LOT of Angels.
I am also in the process of securing a Clarion angel! Thats right, a clarion. I have been searching for one for a while (that was not rediculously priced) and finally have a great opportunity. It could be in my QT tank by end of next month.
I am going to have to make some room in the tank and the triggers may be going to a 125 by themselves once the fish is QT'd.
Stay tuned....