My Queen Angel Just Arrived!!!


Active Member
Hey everyone...totally forgot about this thread :)
Hefner - thanks for looking through the thread. I feel your pain. There are a TON of fish out there and you have to make your decisions on your long term goal of their housing. As for me, I know that my 180 is not their final home. I am planning my upgrade within the next 12 months. I just got a go ahead from my wife on a 10'x3'x3' tank. It should be a fun project (it will be an in-wall tank)
Kiki - thanks! I love my fish and treat them like my children. It is almost to the point of insanity...but isnt that what this hobby is all about?
Spiderwoman - the rocks are just stacked. I dont attach them due to the fact that I re-aquascape every couple of months.
-- - thanks! My niger has a special place in my heart as it was a savior from *****. He was 1.5" and in bad shape, and now he is big and beautiful.
Now...for the updates.
Like I mentioned above, I am in the process of planning my large tank in the basement. My plan is to have everything that they will ever need. Lots of water, lots of rock, and LOT of Angels.
I am also in the process of securing a Clarion angel! Thats right, a clarion. I have been searching for one for a while (that was not rediculously priced) and finally have a great opportunity. It could be in my QT tank by end of next month.
I am going to have to make some room in the tank and the triggers may be going to a 125 by themselves once the fish is QT'd.
Stay tuned....


congrats on getting the ok to start the new project. cant wait to see it. I wished i lived in CO so i could that awesome tank live....crosshatch , clarion, emperors..etc.. it doesnt get any bettor than this!! bTW i started to restock my tank again after 21/2 months of no fish . I have the fish that survived in there for two weeks now and everything seems to be ok. Hey is a 40g long ok as a QT for angels?


this is the sickest tank ive seen hands down from reef to only fish to anything.
the fact that you have all of those angels together is awesome those are my 3 favorite angels the emporer the blueface and the queen. i am in the process of purchasing 2 of them probably the emporer and queen but the emperor is a little hard to find even online lol.
and the aquascape is perfect the diffrent type of rock it sick.
mad props man im shooting for a tank like this man.


Active Member
Well, its been a while since I posted on this thread and up till now there have been little issues with any of the fish. All are still getting along very well and very healthy except the crosshatch has not eaten in over 5 days. He has been hiding in the rocks and staying put during feeding time which is VERY unusual since he downs every silverside and frozen cube thrown his way.
I have since taken him out of the DT and placed him in the 55g QT and he has been laying under the rock breathing ok but not doing much else since Tuesday night. I have administered Furan 2 in the tank and started dosing the tank with vitamins and garlic and he is looking a little better but still will not eat.
I fear that the guy that caught the fish in Hawaii lied about his netting techniques and may have used some sort of chemical to get the fish. I have no other reason to believe otherwise due to the health of my other fish and the fact that he was perfectly healthy one day and not eating the next.
I hope that he pushes through this and regains the strength to eat, but it is not looking good.
It is really sad because he is abosultely gorgeous and has a great personality. It will truly be a great loss if he doesnt make it.
With the recent goings on with the Crosshatch, I have made another very hard decision and bowed out of my obligation on my Clarion (this just magnified an already bad week). It is like having the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow in your hands and smelling the metal only to have to turn it down for the next lucky SOB to take your place.
Rest assured, I will do everything in my power to get this fish healthy again and back to his old self, but if it is not in the cards there will be a pair of crosshatches awaiting the arrival of the new tank soon.
I am glad that I had the chance to see him at his top health and watching him in the tank was truly a pleasure.
Keep your fingers crossed and pray for him...I know I will...
Ill keep the thread updated as any news occurs.


I assume by the catching of the fish you are thinking possible cyanide poisoning? Did the fish have unusually stark vibrant coloring? Was it eating like a pig then suddenly stop? Do the gills look inflamed...with a pale pink coloring? If so, this may be possible but if you have had it for a while I would think unlikely...what kind of symptoms are you seeing if any, besides the fish not eating?


hope it make it. I love my fish and get upset over a lost. Best of luck . Seems like the first one you get is always a little more special than there replacement. Good luck I will keep my fingers crossed


Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
I assume by the catching of the fish you are thinking possible cyanide poisoning? Did the fish have unusually stark vibrant coloring? Was it eating like a pig then suddenly stop? Do the gills look inflamed...with a pale pink coloring? If so, this may be possible but if you have had it for a while I would think unlikely...what kind of symptoms are you seeing if any, besides the fish not eating?
Yeah...hinting at cyanide poisoning, but I know that it is HIGHLY illegal to do this in Hawaii so I am confused and unsure if this is even a possibility.
As for the coloration, the colors were very vibrant but that goes without saying due to the fact that all crosshatch males are that way.
He ate like the biggest pig. I could feed him six 3" silversides and he would still mow down the frozen meaty cubes I dropped in for the other fish. He was always one of the first fish waiting for the food. All of a sudden...boom he was not eating at all...didnt even come out for feeding.
The gills look fine. He is breathing normally. The only other signs that I have seen are that one eye is getting cloudy and he seems to be favoring his left side almost like it is injured in some way??
Other than that, his color looks good and no other visible signs of sickness.


The only other signs that I have seen are that one eye is getting cloudy and he seems to be favoring his left side almost like it is injured in some way??
Well this would be my strategy, and I am by no means an expert on fish health. I would start by qt'ing the fish, then probably start maracyn II. If the eye is getting cloudy at all my first thought would be pop eye, and if you can't see any signs on the fish I would have to assume some kind of internal problem (worms, bacterial infection
). I have read articles on deworming (I would think triggers highly susceptible to worms) and the use of meds you have to get from a vet...but those names escape me at the moment. Ever see any movement in the stomach area, or does it appear bloated? These would be my only initial guesses with no arrows, bells and whistles pointing to a specific problem. I hate to just randomly throw meds at a fish, but I think maracyn II would be a safe starting point.


I hope your crosshatch makes it. I will too keep my fingers crossed. Good luck


Active Member
I feel your pain man. Right now my Blue Hippo that has survived EVERYTHING came down with HLLE and man I am bummed. Treating it with Garlic and greens everyday plus zoecon. Also next week having to replace my CC since the freaking stuff caused a spike in nitrates from 0 to 50PPM in 2 days.


Active Member
Thank you everyone for the kind words. Unfortunately, it was his time to go. My wife called me an hour back and told me he made one last ditch effort at living and that was it.
It is sad in the fact that there was nothing else I could do.
He lived like a king in the tank for over 5 months and poof that's it.
I have given the fish to a local MArine Biologist to examine as to the cause of death.
My initial thought of cyanide is not accurate. I think that he had a severe case of worms (even though he was treated for them in QT) and got a secondary bacteria infection from it.
As they always say "onwards and upwards". I enjoyed one of the finest looking ad most personable fish for 5 months and wouldn't trade it.
I look forward to my next acquisition.


thats to bad. I really hoping he make it. sorry for your lost, he gave enjoyment to many on this site with just his beauty.


Sorry to hear that. It is always sad to lose one, but always good to look forward to a new...such is life.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
That really sucks, hey I might have found you a Claron, but he wants alot for it.
Yes i kow off of marsh. That is about the normal price for one. He wants 2800. Wish the trigger would have made it. Good luck on the next pair!