My Queen Angel Just Arrived!!!


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Originally Posted by regina13
You can look at his profile and it says blueface.
My bad...


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
My bad...
Yeah I have a Blueface and an Emperor they are both around 7" now...I love them dearly


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
She looks awesome. I have to admit, though, that with your impressive assortment of angels, you avoided my 2 favorites... majestic and blueface. While I assume that you're finished adding angels, did you ever consider either of these?
I almost got a majestic a few years back, but I HAD to have an emperor (fist fish I ever bought) and a blueface was another MUST.
I have had the emperor since he was 2" and have watched him go through his color change.
I am in the process of planning out my basement which will be finished in about a year and the plan is to have a 400-500g room dividing tank that will house around 10-12 of my favorite angels along with a moray eel (banana or green??)


From my personal experience, you should not have a problem with the Blueface. They are pretty docile and the Emperor keeps him in check.
I have been able to successfully add smaller Queens to tanks with larger Emperors many times between self and customers.
They may give a chase here and there but not too bad.
Now the other way? Large Queen with smaller Emperor (adult)? Wouldn't do that one as easily. Seems large Queens have a temper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AngelMan
Now the other way? Large Queen with smaller Emperor (adult)? Wouldn't do that one as easily. Seems large Queens have a temper.
LOL!!! I think this is the way of the world with females in general


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
LOL!!! I think this is the way of the world with females in general

Just kidding...just kidding


Active Member
Ok quick update:
She has been in the tank for about 6 hours now and is already eating pellets and flakes!!!
The trigger is already affraid of her! She is a fiesty little thing


Active Member
Let's get that full tank shot Chris!!!!!!
Stop holding out....6 hours in the tank is about 5 hours and 59 minutes past due brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by maelv
Let's get that full tank shot Chris!!!!!!
Stop holding out....6 hours in the tank is about 5 hours and 59 minutes past due brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its on its way


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Thats a great looking angelfish! Nice colors and looks to be in great health! Great choice
Thanks TriGa! She is a beaut (as Eddie in Christmas Vaction said about the RV).


WOW ! ccampbell. Absolutely gorgeous ! I wish you all the luck with her !
I can't wait to see tank shots with her other mates. Thanks to you, I'm looking forward to do the same down the road. Hope to see more pics !


Active Member
Very nice! Could be a boy though....Why not name him Jim, or Bob... or Jim Bob?

Just kidding, looks great

Think you will pull the 2 out of QT together even though Krusty has a weeks head start?