My Queen Angel Just Arrived!!!


Active Member
oh and the Ammonia episode is over thank god! I put in the AmQuel+ and it converts the toxic ammonia to non toxic.
I guess I induced a mini-cycle when I was over feeding the triggers (cause they like to eat), plus adding in substrate from the DT.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
I don't know very much about the Yellowmargin, but from it's looks it shares a lot of characteristics with the Titan looks and otherwise. I found this on a google search "There are many species of triggerfish but the larger ones like titan triggers (common in Redang) and yellowmargin triggers are best avoided". There is a picture of the two side by side and they look very similar.
These guys get up to 24"! Also, in the wild these mean

are as bad as the titan. There are numberous stories of this fish attacking divers.
Youch! Yeah anything comparable with a Titan is not so good. Kind of strange SWF has 2 sizes the juvi says 2-3, the "non"juvi says 3 inches...


Active Member

Ok - so the new fish are doing awesome and are healthy as can be. They are eating like pigs and swimming like mad. No issues

On the otherhand, my DT now has F*(*&(*$G Ich!!! My Hippo tang got a couple of spots a few days back and is now showing more and more. Non of the other fish are showing any signs, but I know it is coming. I have started garlic and am in the process of getting everything ready to move to the 55g QT tank (rock and inverts) so that I can copper the big guy!
This may be a blessing in disguise as once all the ich is gone the new fish will be ready to join in the game and the rock will be placed back in!
On the bright side, all the fish look really healthy and are eating better than ever. There is no flashing and no cloudy fins.
More updates to come...


Originally Posted by ccampbell57

Ok - so the new fish are doing awesome and are healthy as can be. They are eating like pigs and swimming like mad. No issues

On the otherhand, my DT now has F*(*&(*$G Ich!!! My Hippo tang got a couple of spots a few days back and is now showing more and more. Non of the other fish are showing any signs, but I know it is coming. I have started garlic and am in the process of getting everything ready to move to the 55g QT tank (rock and inverts) so that I can copper the big guy!
This may be a blessing in disguise as once all the ich is gone the new fish will be ready to join in the game and the rock will be placed back in!
On the bright side, all the fish look really healthy and are eating better than ever. There is no flashing and no cloudy fins.
More updates to come...
Did you sneeze???? lol

Well, sorry your dt got ich

but am glad the new fish are doing good.
Also your angels dont nip at your inverts???


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
Did you sneeze???? lol

Well, sorry your dt got ich

but am glad the new fish are doing good.
Also your angels dont nip at your inverts???
LOL...i think that I did! It was my fault that I got the stupid ich in the first place. My friend's 100g came down with ich and I told him to take the LR out and copper the tank. Well I took his inverts since I always thought ich couldnt live on them. This is correct, but when there is water on the inverts and in their shells, the microscopic ich parasites came along to play. DUUUUUUUH! Damn it...!!!
My angels only pick at corals and anemones (my carpet is now in the refugium
) They leave the snails alone. The niger carries around the shells around in his mouth and builds snail shell graves.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
The niger carries around the shells around in his mouth and builds snail shell graves.
I would love to see that!

I always thought that angels would eat snails... maby not???
Does the niger kill the snails and then make graves???


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
I would love to see that!

I always thought that angels would eat snails... maby not???
Does the niger kill the snails and then make graves???
I haven't caught the Niger eating the snails yet. My turbos are huge (half dollar size).
I have seen him attack my sally lightfoots and take legs from them. My puffer was the all time worst at this. He pollished off my entire 50 count of blue leg hermits in less than a day, shells and all!


Active Member
First dose of copper went in last night at around 11pm. The fish are eating and looking great.
All the spots are already gone from my hippo and we are in killing time of the ich eggs!!!
I feel like Rambo on a mission to kill every last one of those

On a brighter note, I will be adding the new fish to the DT a few weeks early so they can join in the fun of Copper Commune 2007!


The fish and tank look smaller with no rock! lol

What are you planning on doing for rockwork when you put it back in???


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
The fish and tank look smaller with no rock! lol

What are you planning on doing for rockwork when you put it back in???

LOL...I know (differnt camera - took it with my iPhone)
I am actually going to add ~50#'s and make more caves for the new fish. I am also stocking up on the LR for when I upgrade to my new tank next year.
In the picture with the LR above, I have a "bridge" rock with an opening, in the future, that will be filled and will have 4-8 caves for the new triggers and Queen angel.
I am looking forward to the new aquascape.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
LOL...I know (differnt camera - took it with my iPhone)
I am actually going to add ~50#'s and make more caves for the new fish. I am also stocking up on the LR for when I upgrade to my new tank next year.
In the picture with the LR above, I have a "bridge" rock with an opening, in the future, that will be filled and will have 4-8 caves for the new triggers and Queen angel.
I am looking forward to the new aquascape.
Hey Campbell, just curious your take on this; What is the point of having LR in a tank like yours (or the one I am planning). With 3 angels and 3 triggers, there will be nothing alive on that rock after a short time anyway
Do you just do live rock because the way it looks? Just curious.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Hey Campbell, just curious your take on this; What is the point of having LR in a tank like yours (or the one I am planning). With 3 angels and 3 triggers, there will be nothing alive on that rock after a short time anyway
Do you just do live rock because the way it looks? Just curious.
Good question. I originally did it because it was a reef tank. I have become partial to it over the years and like the natural look of it. All the fish graze on it and are comfortable with it.
I also use it as a bio-filter. I have never had an issue with water parameters with all the LR. I am noticing that once all the rock is out, parameters are getting knocked around a little.
IMO Live Rock, a good skimmer, and sponges is the way to go for your system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Good question. I originally did it because it was a reef tank. I have become partial to it over the years and like the natural look of it. All the fish graze on it and are comfortable with it.
I also use it as a bio-filter. I have never had an issue with water parameters with all the LR. I am noticing that once all the rock is out, parameters are getting knocked around a little.
IMO Live Rock, a good skimmer, and sponges is the way to go for your system.
I guess all I am saying is, once the Triggs and Angels get through, it's essentially the same as any other rock you put in....Right?
I am just wondering if there is a point to me buying a bunch of LR other than its use to cycle the tank faster.


Active Member
yeah the background is the blue background material. I was going to paint it bright blue like my nano, but never got around to it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
I guess all I am saying is, once the Triggs and Angels get through, it's essentially the same as any other rock you put in....Right?
I am just wondering if there is a point to me buying a bunch of LR other than its use to cycle the tank faster.
I agree. If you are going to buy rock, IMO I would buy dry rock and put it in the tank. It is WAAAAY cheaper. I paid around $13# for my marshal islands LR (100+#'s of that). And around $10# for my fiji and tonga.
There is a lot of good websites for dry rock that will become LR over time.
KJR, send me a PM to remind me and I will send you the website.


Active Member
yeah I agree, if you are starting out a new tank...and need rock.....
I got me some Marco Rock....look it up, will be fairly easy to's really dirty so a good washing will be needed, but it is fiji and you'll get more because it isn't weighted down by water. That is what I filled my 29 gallon up with....I bought 25 lbs and gave me enough rocks for my display and sump....