My Queen Angel Just Arrived!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by LedZep fan
How big is the tank? If it were me, I would get rid of the niger and keep the blueline
but thats just my opinion. Also I think you should wait till you get the bigger tank until you get another angel. That is also just my opinion and I just wanted to comment and I hope you take no offense to it.

No offense taken LedZep. My tank is a 180. I have plans in the work for a 2-3 times the size tank in the next 18 months when I finish my basement. Whatever size it will be it will beI love the blueline and it is still a possibility to keep him and get rid of the niger. I have a soft place in my heart for the niger though as he was a ***** saver...he was about 2 inches and looked like hell and I saved him almost 2 years ago.
I have a couple of tanks that the Blueline will be able to go into for safe he is not going anywhere yet.
As far as the additional angel, it is still up in the air as well. As I stated earlier, the 180 is not a permanent home and they will have a MUCH bigger house (300-500 gallon) in the next 180 months.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Glad to hear you have plans to keep these beautifiul fish for close to their whole life time. I wish you the best of luck with them (meaning they don't fight
) and that maybe, just maybe the niger will accept the blueline. Please post more pics too


I have been following your thread for sometime and wanted to say
also, I have been looking at angels to add to my tank when I get it back in full swing. I had to QT and hypo all my fish due to ick. As to what angel you should add. I want to add a scribbled to my setup so that is my recommendation to you since it will be a smaller angel at max size of 10" or so and is in a different species family from the angels you currently own. As with any other fish, you'll just have to see if any aggression follows.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sc0rp_XIII
I have been following your thread for sometime and wanted to say
also, I have been looking at angels to add to my tank when I get it back in full swing. I had to QT and hypo all my fish due to ick. As to what angel you should add. I want to add a scribbled to my setup so that is my recommendation to you since it will be a smaller angel at max size of 10" or so and is in a different species family from the angels you currently own. As with any other fish, you'll just have to see if any aggression follows.
Thanks for the props Sc0rp! I love the scribbled angel and it is definitely in the running. I think that they also have great personalities. Reminds me a lot of my old French angel.
If it doesnt make it into the 180 now, it will definitly be in the big tank later.


Active Member
The main tank is doing awesome and all the angels are getting along. There has yet to be any scuffle between them. In fact, last night, the Blueface and Queen were sleeping in the same cave!
I attempted to put the blueline back in the tank and while the fish was sitting in the bag at the top, the niger tried to bite through the bag

So, I went to the LFS to let them know that the blueline didnt work out and while I was there, I noticed that they had just received a 5-6 inch Sargassum Trigger!
Needless to say I was in awe of this fish and promptly placed her on hold. The blueline will be going back tomorrow or Friday and the new fish will be coming home soon after.
I will get pictures of her when I can...I have been doing research on the trigger and everything looks great. She will get up to 11 inches and is peaceful (for a trigger).
Her name will be either be "LeeLoo" from the 5th Element or "Nala" from Lion King.
I can't wait to bring her home.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
The main tank is doing awesome and all the angels are getting along. There has yet to be any scuffle between them. In fact, last night, the Blueface and Queen were sleeping in the same cave!
I attempted to put the blueline back in the tank and while the fish was sitting in the bag at the top, the niger tried to bite through the bag

So, I went to the LFS to let them know that the blueline didnt work out and while I was there, I noticed that they had just received a 5-6 inch Sargassum Trigger!
Needless to say I was in awe of this fish and promptly placed her on hold. The blueline will be going back tomorrow or Friday and the new fish will be coming home soon after.
I will get pictures of her when I can...I have been doing research on the trigger and everything looks great. She will get up to 11 inches and is peaceful (for a trigger).
Her name will be either be "LeeLoo" from the 5th Element or "Nala" from Lion King.
I can't wait to bring her home.
Very Cool fish the Sargassum, don't see them often....just curious how much? Sorry the Blueline didn't work out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Very Cool fish the Sargassum, don't see them often....just curious how much? Sorry the Blueline didn't work out.
Thanks KJR. Yeah it was definitly a treat. I decided that I like the personality and manurisms of triggers too much. I love the blueline and am sad to see him go as well, but it probably is for the best.
The LFS wants $150, but said that he would give me a discount. So I guess I will get it for around $130 or so.


Originally Posted by crimzy
She looks awesome. I have to admit, though, that with your impressive assortment of angels, you avoided my 2 favorites... majestic and blueface. While I assume that you're finished adding angels, did you ever consider either of these?
I can't let a discussion of Angels go by w/o throwing in my 2 pennies. I like the Christmas Island Emperor, but my Goldflake is still my favorite. Subtle colors, not a bully but won't take s*** from anyone, and insatiable curiosity!


Active Member
you will love the sargassum, if it works out in ur tank which i hope it does. i had one and loved it, i also had a blue jaw trigger and he was one of my favorite fish, had a great personality, knew who i was and was still shy at first when i walked up, as i sat there he would come up to me more and more as if he was investigating me. he would let me hand feed him and was always a character. he would swim in circles around my rock bridges and caves in my tank. he had a course set up and seemed like he got faster and faster at it as the days went by, just a great fish. -too bad he jumped- anyways, ur tank sounds like its doing great. wonderful to hear about ur two angels sleeping in the same cave, never would have expected that. we want pic updates!


Active Member
Originally Posted by GNorman
you will love the sargassum, if it works out in ur tank which i hope it does. i had one and loved it, i also had a blue jaw trigger and he was one of my favorite fish, had a great personality, knew who i was and was still shy at first when i walked up, as i sat there he would come up to me more and more as if he was investigating me. he would let me hand feed him and was always a character. he would swim in circles around my rock bridges and caves in my tank. he had a course set up and seemed like he got faster and faster at it as the days went by, just a great fish. -too bad he jumped- anyways, ur tank sounds like its doing great. wonderful to hear about ur two angels sleeping in the same cave, never would have expected that. we want pic updates!
That is great to hear about the Sargassum. I am going to pic mine up tonight. I really like the blueline, but knowing the fact that he has a mean streak and now that the niger picked on him, I am sure that he will not hessitate to react.
The sargassum is so rare, you never see one, the one my LFS has is striking. She looks alot like yours did, but her tail is very Orange.
I will post pics once I re-aquascape. I am still in denial that my tank is at quarter mast


Active Member
haha yeah sargasums are brilliant fish. i have seem then quite frequently but maybe its b.c of where i live. i also see a lot of crosshatches around me but they are just too much money.
hey get pics of ur new trig and also of ur queen if u dont mind. hows ur queen doing???
we got ours as u know, and it is doing well, we feed it clam every other day as a little snack and to try and keep it healthy, he engulfs itself in it


Active Member
I would love to have a crosshatch. They are rare in Colorado (I can get them, but have to special order them). Maybe I'll add one in my bigger tank.
The queen is doing great. She is mixing it up with the rest of the fish and they are all like peas in a pod. We had some streamer nipping from the Blueface (he did this to the Niger for a while too...) but they will grow back.
I'll add a pic of the queen that I took for the contest.


Active Member
haha yeahhhh thanks for the pic. what a beautiful fish. i go home on saturday and ill get some good pics up of the tank and my queen... and hey, i hope u dont mind but i was a total butt face and stole the name of ur queen for my queen. when i read what u named it i totally feel in love with it. prob b.c of the song belle by jack johnson. the name just gives a peacful and tropical feeling which is perfect for that fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Very nice. That algea coming off?
Sort of...I still have a nice blanket of algea on my base rock and on the back of the wall.
I tried to put some cleaners in there, but they all died off in the first couple of days due to the fact that I think there is still some residual copper in the tank.
I am waiting about 2 more weeks to put the rest of the live rock in and then we should be good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GNorman
haha yeahhhh thanks for the pic. what a beautiful fish. i go home on saturday and ill get some good pics up of the tank and my queen... and hey, i hope u dont mind but i was a total butt face and stole the name of ur queen for my queen. when i read what u named it i totally feel in love with it. prob b.c of the song belle by jack johnson. the name just gives a peacful and tropical feeling which is perfect for that fish.
LOL...not a problem. Mine is from the beauty and the Beast and my daughter saw her colors (of the first Queen I had) and instantly called her "Belle". The cartoon character and my fish are both yellow...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
I will post pics once I re-aquascape. I am still in denial that my tank is at quarter mast

Did I miss something? Did you have an issue other than the Blueline?