My Queen Angel Just Arrived!!!


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Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Did I miss something? Did you have an issue other than the Blueline? issues right now. Everything is looking great. I think the algea reference was back to one of my previous pics where the overflows and rocks were covered. It is from the fact that my protien skimmer was off for 2 months. Now that it is back on and running and when I get the LR back in, we should be good to go.


Active Member
Sad day today as I relinquished the Sargassum to another customer at the LFS. I had second guesses about it due to the following:1. Norman and his idea of the Black Hawaiian got me I now have my name on the list for a 4-6 inch true Black hawaiian trigger (not the Indian Durgeon). Sorry took Belle's name, now I took your fish idea
J/K.2. If the Hawaiian doesnt come in soon, I have my name on the list for an equal size or larger Male Crosshatch. As these are more readily available, I think this will be the next fish in the tank.
I am uber excited about this as I go to hawaii every year and see schools of the black triggers everywhere. THe main reason that I got "Kona" my Naso tang was due to the fact that he was net caught off the coast of Oahu and every time I see him I think of the islands. I also see crosshatches in a ton of reefs on this site and others and fell in love with them. So we shall see what the goddess of the sea has to bring me in the coming weeks.
The Black trigger or the crosshatch will complete the set.
Eventually when I upgrade, I will have both.
My re-developed stock list for my big tank (I am thinking the new dimensions are goind to be 120lx36wx24h (400g)
- Emperor Angel
- Blueface Angel
- Queen Angel
- Annularis (Blue Ring) Angel NEW

- Passar Angel NEW

- Goldflake Angel NEW

- Clown Trigger
- Niger Trigger
- Black Hawaiian Trigger NEW

- Male Crosshatch Trigger NEW

- Naso Tang
- Hippo Tang
- Vlamingi Tang NEW

- Achillies Tang NEW
What do you guys think?
I wish I lived in Maryland...there is a steal out there on a 400g setup for dirt...DAMN!!!!! I would have my new Diary up next week...


Active Member
hahaha you jerk!!!! hahahaha totally just kidding. yeah the hawaiian black trig is an amazing fish. and i think with those colors it will complement your brightly colored fish very well and it will just look amazing together. again, the crosshatches are way prettier than the sargassums but that comes with a cost as we all know... heavens sake i dont mind u taking my idea of the hawaiian black trigger. after all, Belles my fish now. hehe
when u do get one or the other, send pics- and i want updates on when ur upgrading to the bigger tank. gosh i wished u lived by me so we could talk fish and check each others tank out... i go home this saturday and i will be sure to get some sweet pics of the tank.


ccampbell57 I wish I lived in Maryland...there is a steal out there on a 400g setup for dirt...DAMN!!!!! I would have my new Diary up next week... [img said:[/img]

time for a road trip


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
time for a road trip

Tell me about it!!! I just with it weren't a 24 hour drive!!!! If this was in Chicago...I'm there


Active Member
Love the 400 list Campbell...especially the Anni, and the Passer...And absolutely on the Achilles, or perhaps throw in a Majestic Tang (a.k.a. Sohal) instead, the Vlamangi could hang with him in a tank that big....Sorry the Sargassum didn't make his way home with you, cool fish....Saw the Crosshatch on the list also, any sources on that, don't see them often, cost a fortune don't they?


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Love the 400 list Campbell...especially the Anni, and the Passer...And absolutely on the Achilles, or perhaps throw in a Majestic Tang (a.k.a. Sohal) instead, the Vlamangi could hang with him in a tank that big....Sorry the Sargassum didn't make his way home with you, cool fish....Saw the Crosshatch on the list also, any sources on that, don't see them often, cost a fortune don't they?
Hey KJR! Thanks for the props on the list. I feel like I keep changing my mind, but I think that this is going to be the final list. I totally spaced the Sohal Tang. That is a great recommendation! I might do that instead...that would definitly add some fun movement to the tank.
Yeah the Sargassum was a bummer, but it is going to a good home. The guy has a 300g SPS reef

The crosshatch is expensive, but the owner of the LFS that I go to said it wouldn't be as expensive as you see elsewhere. He said ~$200. He said it wouldnt be that much more than the Sargassum as both are equally rare. IF you are looking for one let me know, they ship.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
The crosshatch is expensive, but the owner of the LFS that I go to said it wouldn't be as expensive as you see elsewhere. He said ~$200. He said it wouldnt be that much more than the Sargassum as both are equally rare. IF you are looking for one let me know, they ship.
That is a great price for a Crosshatch....BTW, you mentioned several times how much you enjoyed your Porky Puffer (as did I), curious why you left one off the list for the big tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
That is a great price for a Crosshatch....BTW, you mentioned several times how much you enjoyed your Porky Puffer (as did I), curious why you left one off the list for the big tank.
Well, he is truly the only fish that I really got emotional over when he died. He was like my little puppy. I think it was due to the fact that he would rub up against my hand when I would feed him and let me pet his head and scratch him.
I loved that fish to death and have contemplated getting another, but at this point I dont think he could be replaced.
Plus he ate ever single invert


Active Member
Ok - it's been a while, but I finally re-aquascaped the 180 and all the fish LOVE the new rock formations.
Believe it or not, but the fish started to fight as I was moving the rocks around. My only thought is that they were basically claiming the rocks as they went up.
I was suprised at how fast I was able to move around the 275#'s of rock (I bought a single piece of premium fiji LR covered in coraline and sponge and rock anemones that was over 30 #'s for $50!!!!!)
I will be taking pictures this afternoon and posting them.
I am absolutely extatic at how the tank is looking.


Active Member
Ok sorry all for the lag on getting updates to this, but I finally tweaked everything so that I am pleased with the tank and the aquascaping. Also the queens lymph has gone down enough to where she is not camera shy any more

I have taken a TON of pictures and will upload more, but for now here is a handful...let me know what you think.



Active Member
.....Thats all I can say.
Might be tough to get that veggie clip on the bottom in the last picture


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
.....Thats all I can say.
Might be tough to get that veggie clip on the bottom in the last picture

LOL...thanks KJR! I am stoked with it so far. One more fish to go.
As for the clip, yeah that is a result of my emperor and bluface killing the clip. They attack it like pitbulls when I put it in the tank with Nori.
I have a set of 24" tongs that I use to collect it when it is not behind the rock