My Queen Angel Just Arrived!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
J/K - IMO FOWLR is the way to go...they keep you entertained and there is less "handholding" involved.
ditto, large fowlr tanks are soo much better!


Active Member
While we are checking out your stuff...I would love to see a picture of your refugium if you ever get a chance.


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I have 4 48"x96w PC lights (2 daylight, and 2 actinic) I also have 2 48" 110w VHO actinics.
I was toying with upgrading to 8 72"x 65w T5s


Active Member
Goodness....this tank is peeeeeiiiiiiimp as my kid once told me....LOL...Love your angels...and I see that the Queen just came in and doesn't seem to be harassing everyone...that is cool...


Active Member
Thanks Maelv! P-I-M-P my aquarium...that should be a new show on TV LOL!!!
Yeah the queen has been a pleasure...she has figured out her role in the pecking order. She is now telling the Naso (the least aggressive) who the boss is...


Active Member
Well, well, well...I have been slacking since Christmas, but finally have an update to this thread!!!

As you all know, I ordered a Crosshatch from Hawaii the week prior to Christmas and it arrived safe and sound.
It has been at the LFS in QT receiving preventative medications (deworming, Copper, etc). It is pretty big (8"), but is unbelievably gorgeous!
Well, today, I finally brought him home. After a long and extensive discussion with my LFS I decided to put him straight into the DT without stressing him more in my QT. I know that this is risky, but he was in an isolated tank at the LFS and was eating like a champ with no spots or other signs of sickness.
I brought him home and acclimated him for over 1.5 hours.
Finally, after feeding the rest of the tank, I slipped him in the other side of the tank.

Once he was in, there was a lot of interest in him, but no issues. My Emperor was the first to say hi. He grunted a bunch and nipped at his tail to tell him that it was his tank.

Next were the Niger and Clown triggers. They both followed the Crosshatch around the tank like little dogs like they were sniffing its tail to see what it was all about. After a few tail wags and a couple of triggers being raised by all three...they decided that they new guy was kosher. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that the Crosshatch was a lot bigger than either of them.
I then proceeded to tear down half of the rock and re-arrange it for more caves and more room for him to swim
. Also, I wanted to de-territorialize the other fish and basically start a new. They all like the new formation and are a bit confused and they are searching for their new territory. The crosshatch subsiquently found his area and took up some rock caves higher in the water column.

I have taken a ton of pictures and attached my favorites below. I will take a video tomorrow.


Active Member
I love the scale pattern of the Crosshatch. This fish is unreal!!!! I am so excited to see it flurish in the tank!