My Queen Angel Just Arrived!!!


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No no no...I will never leave the dark side of the FOWLR. I will have my 350 with the aggressive fish and a 180 reef.


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Ok All,
Here are some full tank shots that I took tonight.
Full Tank

Full Tank Left

Full Tank Right

Most of the family

Blueface in his new cave


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
If I remember correctly
you told me that when your angels started eating your coral it was like burning a 100 bill... Are you going back just to have both?
Don't leave, (as you quoted to me when I first started wanting a aggressive) "The Dark Side"

jk I know you won't... I'm just being dramatic!
there is no reason (besides money and a wife) not to have both, it is a totally different aspect to husbandry. Cool tank with lots of big beautiful fish, boring tank with higher maintenance smaller margin of error. And sesile animals waving in the water.


Active Member
they came! the pics finally arrived... haha thanks for posting.
all your fish look amazing. love the crosshatch-when did u add him?


Active Member
Hey GNorman! Been a while man! Where have you been? How is your tank? Is Belle ok?
I bought the crosshatch 2 weeks before christmas and he has been in QT until Saturday night.
He is a great addition so far.


Active Member
i hate to tell you this but, be lost her.
it happened while i was up at college.
but i think we had her for about 2 months or so.
one day spencer called me and told me that belle was hiding a lot in the rocks and when she did come out it looked as if she was having problems swimming ( i was guessing it was a swim bladder infection somehow) the next day we lost her.
so it seemed as if all of the sudden she got sick and died.
we have lost too many fish, and it really sucks. we havnt been having any luck with adding new fish so i just started to add some corals.


what are the dimensions of the 350 and what kind of skimmer do you plan to use with such a large bioload?


Active Member
96x36x24. I am planning on using 2 skimmers on it. I will have a 60-75g Refugium and a 125g tank inline for water flow through.
I will use my G3 within the 125 and have a Euro Reef RS-135 or 180 in the system. Together they are rated from 500-700g of water.
Right now my G3 is handling the bio-load quite nicely, but I think having an additional will make it super clean.


Do you still have the blueline trigger? I don't see him in the pictures.


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
Do you still have the blueline trigger? I don't see him in the pictures.
His Niger tossed the Blue out of the tank....litterally

Awesome Full tank shot CC...glad the Niger tolerated the Crosshatch.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
His Niger tossed the Blue out of the tank....litterally

Awesome Full tank shot CC...glad the Niger tolerated the Crosshatch.
So did it die?


I'd be carefull with the rating some companies claim on skimmers. for e.g. the euro 135 is only really rated for up to a 135 with medium bioload. the higher comparitve rating for gph. the g3 is rated for up to 250 but problably with a light bioload. I would go with a least a euro 250 with the g3.


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
So did it die?
Well...he was QT'd for about 3 weeks after my Niger beat the tar out of him. I wanted to make sure that he was ok. I missed having him by himself and subsiquently traded him back to the LFS where I got him (only lost about $15 on the trade).
I really missed that fish. He was awesome! He ate right out of my hand, blew substrate around to look for food and carried around the lettuce clip in his mouth like a dog and its chew toy.
I was back at the LFS right before christmas and was talking to the manager and he said that he had an update on my blueline. I knew right away that it was not good news.
Apparently, one of the big account that they service wanted the fish so they put it into a 300+ tank. I guess that it was doing great and was being a real good fish until a new guy that was brought on to do service came into the picture. Well, I guess that he was removing dirty water from multiple accounts' tanks and replacing it with pure RO water...NOT Salt water.
Needless to say, the tank's salinity dropped dramatically (they usually do 30-50% water changes to keep the water sparkling). He killed $1000's of fish and one of them was my blueline.
Needless to say, I was PISSED.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Well...he was QT'd for about 3 weeks after my Niger beat the tar out of him. I wanted to make sure that he was ok. I missed having him by himself and subsiquently traded him back to the LFS where I got him (only lost about $15 on the trade).
I really missed that fish. He was awesome! He ate right out of my hand, blew substrate around to look for food and carried around the lettuce clip in his mouth like a dog and its chew toy.
I was back at the LFS right before christmas and was talking to the manager and he said that he had an update on my blueline. I knew right away that it was not good news.
Apparently, one of the big account that they service wanted the fish so they put it into a 300+ tank. I guess that it was doing great and was being a real good fish until a new guy that was brought on to do service came into the picture. Well, I guess that he was removing dirty water from multiple accounts' tanks and replacing it with pure RO water...NOT Salt water.
Needless to say, the tank's salinity dropped dramatically (they usually do 30-50% water changes to keep the water sparkling). He killed $1000's of fish and one of them was my blueline.
Needless to say, I was PISSED.
Wow. Thats sad.

By the way, great looking tank! Love the rocks!


wow thats some story....$1000 worth of fish , ouch! I guess that guys isnt working for that company more. man that aquascaping is really nice. I remeber not to long ago you had to clear out the tank. did you say if use any poxy on the rock?