My Queen Angel Just Arrived!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by maelv
yeah I agree, if you are starting out a new tank...and need rock.....
I got me some Marco Rock....look it up, will be fairly easy to's really dirty so a good washing will be needed, but it is fiji and you'll get more because it isn't weighted down by water. That is what I filled my 29 gallon up with....I bought 25 lbs and gave me enough rocks for my display and sump....
Hey Maelv! Funny you chimed in. I sent the URL of the rock place to KJR. Do you have any recent pictureS of your 29 gallon?


Active Member
All the fish in QT are doing excellent!!! The Clown and Blueline are finally playing nice and the battle scares on the clown have healed nicely.
The Queen is eating like a pig and bossing the other two around pretty good. All the fish are eating frozen food, mysis, and flake. I have them on a steady regiment of garlic for thier ammune system and their colors are more vibrant now. Their move to the DT has been delayed due to the issues that my Hippo is causing in the big tank.
It has been almost a week in copper for the big fish and all are doing fine. There has been no flashing or weakening, but my angels are starting to show the effects (as they usually do) of having copper in their tank.
The emperor has stress spots all over him and the blueface is starting to get some discoloration and sores on his head. I would be terrified right now if I had never seen this, but having gone through this many times before, once the copper is gone and they are back on their original regiment of food and pure water, all this goes away with no lasting effects.
My hippo does not have any ich spots anymore, but is showing some signs of possible marine velvet (maybe). Her back right side has some "dusting" on it. Once again, not concerned as they are all eating well and there is no stressfull breathing or lathargic attitudes. Also, the copper level is at .25 ppm and will remain there for the next 5-10 days.
The niger and the naso show absolutely no sign that anything is going on and continue to play around as normal.
In the meantime, I am starting to stock up on some more rock and getting together my game plan for introducing the new fish to the big tank in 4 more weeks.
Stay tuned...


Active Member
Wow the stress level still hasn't gone down. I acclimated and then added the 3 new fish to the DT today and went off without a hitch...sort of.
Prior to insertion, I distracted the big fish on one side of the tank with food and dumped the other 3 in the other side. All was well and the old fish didnt even notice the new ones. The triggers were exploring the new rock formations and crusing around trying to guage where they would set up camp and how the pecking order would be.
After about 15 minutes all was well till the Blueline did something to piss off the Niger and war broke out. Mind you, the Niger trigger has never once shown a single sign of aggression. He is very passive and all the other fish pick on him. I have never seen anything like this. For 3 minutes straight, the niger attacked the blueline around the tank. Up and down, back to front. All the other fish just stayed away. Finally the squabble stopped because the Blueline backed off and hid in the left corner behind a rock. The niger continued to patrol the tank as usual.
Meanwhile, the clown trigger didnt even notice what was going on and he and the Queen angle just swam around eating all the leftovers.
Neither of the large angels (blueface or Emperor) even pay attention to the Queen. There were a few tail wags and a grunt or two, but that's it.
Wheeew...I am feeling like I need a big beer right now...
More to come....
Ill be the first... I was wondering why you picked copper to treat in your display tank. I have already been told and read that you should never add copper to a DT as you are never able to get it fully out and it can leach out in the future?
correct me if im wrong.


Active Member
I have done this many times before. The reasons for doing this is due to the size of my fish. I have 2 quarantine tanks (30 tall, and a 55). These are mainly there for fish that are not co-operating or when they are being newly introduced. Since ich broke out with the main fish, it was easier for me to medicate the main tank rather than split them up and further stress the fish out with the move and so on and so forth.
I used to have a reef tank and would never have medicated the tank with copper, but have since moved to a FOLWR because I could never give up my angels.
It is an old wifes tale about copper never being able to be removed from the tank. Back in the day, the quality of silicone was not as good as now and it used to stain it blue. Today with the use of carbon and some copper removing solutions, you can add your reef back in.
Since my last medication almost 1.5 years ago on the 180, I have added many inverts including a huge carpet anemone, a long tentacle anemone, and tried to do more coral before my angels ate it.
Also, when adding copper to the DT it is a MUST that you do many water changes as well to remove the copper from the substrate.
I agree that it will probably have trace amounts going forward, but it will not harm the fish or the coral.


Having any problems with the angels???? full tank shot!!!!!


Active Member
Regina - here is some quick full tank shots with my iPhone...
I only have a quarter of the rock in there right now...I will take good ones once the tank is fully up.



Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
Having any problems with the angels???? full tank shot!!!!!
It is funny...there is no issues with the angels. They are getting along ok. They queen is getting the normal tail nip once in a while to tell her who is the boss...


awsome queen i love these fish because of there personality heres a pic of mine



Active Member
awesome pics and thread. thanks so much for keeping a good record of this. im about ready to buy the queen angel to our tank. and i posted a thread about a QT tank in the new hobiest fourm, campbell if u could look at it that would help me out greatly. again, love ur tank and fish and cant wait to see the new aquascaping done. im happy everything went smoothly with the move from QT tank to DT. keep us posted on hows everythings going.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
After about 15 minutes all was well till the Blueline did something to piss off the Niger and war broke out. Mind you, the Niger trigger has never once shown a single sign of aggression. He is very passive and all the other fish pick on him. I have never seen anything like this. For 3 minutes straight, the niger attacked the blueline around the tank. Up and down, back to front. All the other fish just stayed away. Finally the squabble stopped because the Blueline backed off and hid in the left corner behind a rock. The niger continued to patrol the tank as usual.
Hope for the Niger's sake the juvi Blueline dosen't remember this episode when he becomes a big Blueline

Looks great Campbell..Queen seems very happy, looks like Krusty and Blue are hiding a bit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Hope for the Niger's sake the juvi Blueline dosen't remember this episode when he becomes a big Blueline

Looks great Campbell..Queen seems very happy, looks like Krusty and Blue are hiding a bit.
Well...funny you should say that. The Niger picked on the Blueline so bad that he jumped out of the tank and landed in my left overflow box!!!!

I freaked out cause I couldnt find him in any of the rockwork and finally decided to look over the hood and low and was chilling between my return and drain pipes.

SO...for the past 3 hours I have been taking apart my overflow to get at him. BUT because he is a trigger...he likes to wedge himself in the tightest spaces and wont come out...

SO...with tools in hand (including 2 nets, a pair of long kitchen tongs, a hose) I went to work. I removed the return to get more room and finally had a clear shot at him...BUT the water drained...
SO...there he was, my prized blueline trigger lying on his side in less than .5 inches of water. I reached in with the smallest net and him...OR NOT!!! He wiggled out of the net and wedged himself behind the drain... I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a long pair of BBQ forks to get him out...YES I know, but this was last ditch.
After an hour or so of messing with him, I finally moved him around enough to get the net in there again. I think that he had enough fighting for the day between the niger kicking his a$$ and me poking and proding at him...he laid in the net and I placed him back in the QT tank.
I inspected him pretty closely and he is BEAT up! I mean, he has scratches, bites, bruises (probably from me).
SO...I made him a hut out of LR in the QT tank and turned the light off...
Because of this I think that I am going to take him back to the LFS and trade him for a....dun da dun da!!! REGAL ANGEL!!!!!
So keep tuned...


Active Member
sorry to hear that about ur queen trig. they are very beautiful fish. when i was reading that post i was all into u, u had me worrying a ton about the situation you were in. im sure u were freaking out.


Active Member
Hey GNorman - it is actually a Blueline Trigger. He is very was one of my favorite. He is doing ok in the QT tank at the moment and hope that he heels well.
Yes very stressed out, and looking forward to getting this guy back to good health ASAP.


Active Member
Day 2 of the move:
After 24 hours of being in the big tank together all the fish are doing fantastic! All the angels are getting along and there have been zero fights. The blueface chases the queen every once in a while when she annoys him, but other than that it is all good.
As for the blueline trigger...after a night of horror in the overflow box, he is resting comfortably in the QT and is swimming around and eating like a horse. This guy is indistructable. It is a shame that he and the niger dont get along because he is absolutely one of my favorite fish and he has a ton of personality. Plus his colors are stunning to boot.
I am still deciding on what I am going to do with him. I may just keep him in the 55g by himself for a while and see what happens with him.
As for the big tank, I am getting preparted to re-aquascape it this weekend. I am going to buy 25-50 more lbs of LR for some cool caves and hiding places. I am really looking forward to the tank being back up and functional.
On another note, to those that disagree with coppering their fish, use me as an example. After taking out all the LR and removing my inverts, my fish are as healthy as ever. In fact, I think that due to the ich, and me starting to use garlic regularly, the fish are even better.
My only concern going forward is what will be my next angel to put in with these guys?? I said Regal earlier, but am starting to lean towards a scribbled, personifer, or goldflake.
Any thoughts...


Active Member
i like the personifer angel but its really expensive and i dont know much about it. very pretty fish tho


Active Member
Originally Posted by GNorman
i like the personifer angel but its really expensive and i dont know much about it. very pretty fish tho
They are really cool fish. I like their colors. They are totally different than the rest of the fish in my tank. I have seen them really expensive and others that are moderately expensive. Mostly depends on where the fish is caught.

ledzep fan

Active Member
How big is the tank? If it were me, I would get rid of the niger and keep the blueline
but thats just my opinion. Also I think you should wait till you get the bigger tank until you get another angel. That is also just my opinion and I just wanted to comment and I hope you take no offense to it.