My scared about my health.Please read....


About 1 month again, I went to my local ER becuase of back pain. The pain was radiating between my shoulder blades. The ER doctor had some x-rays done to R/O pneumonia, punchered lung, etc. My x-rays can back abnormal with my hilum(space where the aotric arch and trachea meet). A CAT scan was done on my lungs. I didn't here anything from my PCP so I didn't think anything of it. This Thursday(10-15) I went back to the ER because I have been fighting a low grade fever, nausea, and fatigue for abouta month. More x-rays and blood work was done. The ER doctor came back and talked to me when he got the X-rays back.
He told me he looked at my past x-rays and CAT scan and the first thing he told me was and this is in his own words is" If this was my x-rays and CAT scan i would want to see a pulmonariologist or oncologist" I said WHAT, WHY? He said that the X-rays show my lymphiods are extremely enlarged and they found a 1.4 cm nodule in this area also.
I followed up with my PCP and they told me that nothing was wrong with my CAT or x-rays and to follow up in 3 months. I went to get another opinion. This nurse practiciner looked at my records(i got copies for the hospital) and the first thing she said is' I am referring you to a pulmonariologist" She said I could have cancer, Hogkin's disease, lymphomia, or sarcadosis. I definitley have something she said.
I am scared out of my pants right now. Sorry to type such a long message but I have no family besides my wife and son and do treat everybody here as family and friends. Thanks for your time.


Staff member
Usually CAT scans have written analysis made up that get sent to doctors. The radiologist will detail abnormalities in written form. Do you have that? Followup with the specialist for sure.
I had similar happen to me several years ago. Same scary possible diagnosis. Went to surgeon who sent me to the cancer specialist. Guess what, I'm still here. No lymphoma, Hopkins Diseases, etc.
But you do need to follow up with specialist.


Active Member
Sounds to me like one of your docs is an incompetent boob. Good luck, like Beth said could be lots of stuff other than the big C.


I have been an RN and seen the good and the bad, 15 years. The best advice I can give you is be your own advocate, make MD's provide the answers, do not let them leave you hanging. See the onocologist, get the answers ASAP and if you think that your getting the run around, lawsuite is always a good way to get attention and answers. Get mad if you feel scared because health providers are giving you different answers. Only you can get what you need, other wise you fall through the cracks.


Originally Posted by Beth
Usually CAT scans have written analysis made up that get sent to doctors. The radiologist will detail abnormalities in written form. Do you have that? Followup with the specialist for sure.
I had similar happen to me several years ago. Same scary possible diagnosis. Went to surgeon who sent me to the cancer specialist. Guess what, I'm still here. No lymphoma, Hopkins Diseases, etc.
But you do need to follow up with specialist.
Yes the radiologist did raed the x-ray and determined that further tests are needed.


Keep posting on this, because until we have answers one way or the other, I'm not sure what to say...
If it were me, just being my reckless nature, I wouldn't worry until I knew that it was something to worry about. Things even as far fetched as "they mixed up the xrays" cross my mind.
Doctors seem to "prepare you for the worst" so when they say, "you have an enlarged gland due to the flu going around," it's a relief...
To say don't worry, seems shallow, but until you get more a accurate diagnosis, "try" not to worry.


Originally Posted by scottnlisa
I am scared out of my pants right now. Sorry to type such a long message but I have no family besides my wife and son and do treat everybody here as family and friends. Thanks for your time.

I don't know you, but I would like to say that I'm sorry you are going through this. I hope that it's not anything that cannot be overcome. I would also like to say that you are sure to have many peoples thoughts after this post. You probably have more people that are worrying about you than you realize.
Since I'm not close by there's not much I can do to help, if I were close by I would...but you have my support...sorry, and keep your chin up.


Active Member
Of course you need to follow up... but I too was told I probably had either lymphoma or leukemia. I had neither. That was a very very crappy weekend waiting for that. Sorry to hear you have to go through this.
Like Beth said, see what the written report that was sent to your PCP said.


Just wanted to say I'll be thinking of you
I would say don't worry....but I know how hard that is
we're all here for ya too


I know I am doing more harm then good right now. I am in school to become a nurse so I am trying to self diagnosis myself(terrible thing to do). The doctor who is referring me out to the specialist at least gave my Zanax(and it works).


Active Member
when i was younger the docs thought i had hogkins my lymphnodes were blown up and infected.
turned out after surgery and biopsy i had mono and got an infection from a cat called of course cat scratch fever .
of course now i hate cats

like some said it could be something like an infection.
my mother in law just had two different surgeries for a lump in her b-reast.
both biopsys were negative for cancer but for some reason they still want her to see a cancer doctor.who knows anymore?


Staff member
I was just going to suggest that swollen lymph nodes can also come from a virus. The virus may have even a occurred several weeks to a few months ago. Have you had the flu recently?


Originally Posted by Beth
I was just going to suggest that swollen lymph nodes can also come from a virus. The virus may have even a occurred several weeks to a few months ago. Have you had the flu recently?
I have been fighting a low grade fever and malasia for the past month


Active Member
Sorry to hear your going thru this. Ofcourse you should follow up with a lung doc. He will probably send you for a mri. A lot of the time it is benign growths/cysts/infection, etc. Stay positive.
and schedule that follow up!!


Got my referral to the pulmonagist. It is Nov. 9. In this area, that is really quick to get into a specialist. That has me worried.


Can you get your DR. tp put you on an antibiotic in the meantime? I have had pneumonia 2x and was on Bacterim asap. First IV then oral meds...And yes, def take charge of your health care (going thru it now) and it seems all you are are an insuramce # to them. Write down ?'s to ask and be persistent. And try not to worry in between, know its easier said then done. Eat and rest well and try to build up your to you and your family.


Staff member
Can you try out another primary physician in the meantime? Sounds like your doctor isn't taking care of you.
Fever does not necessarily mean bacterial infection. You really need a workup, and should get it before going to specialists to pinpoint your issue.


Active Member
I agree with Beth, I wouldn't be waiting around if you have a persistent fever, I'd be getting tests now. Of course I imagine the flu thing has the system clogged up right now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I agree with Beth, I wouldn't be waiting around if you have a persistent fever, I'd be getting tests now. Of course I imagine the flu thing has the system clogged up right now.
You have no idea....