My Seahorse tank UPDATE: Pictures


Well-Known Member

I got rid of all the plastic plants except one I use for a hitch on the feeding dish.



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/384736/my-seahorse-tank-update-pictures#post_3371461
Looks great Flower

Hey ...hows Pixie this morning?
Thanks, I have been following your build too. A tall tank looks so much better for horses. LOL, I couldn't stand the algae growing on the plastic plants. Fortunatly the low light corals have plenty for them to hold on to.
Do seahorses play with each other? I swear three of them are playing ring around the rocks all this morning. They are growing, I was kind of shocked when I saw three of them together...they are all the same size as Miss picky and she was 1/2 bigger than all the she has another 1/2 on her..TT has grown but she is still a runt compared to the others, but she is a good 2 inches now. They are all fat too...LOL


I have to call in 25 minutes...
Yeah, I think they do "play" together...they also bond (I think) LOL....Mine are supposed to be here tomorrow....I'm not even excited right now :( I keep thinking I hope they arrive early so I can go to see Pixie :(
Your horses are hding pretty good in those pics though....all I see are 2 clown gobies :)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/384736/my-seahorse-tank-update-pictures#post_3371467
I have to call in 25 minutes...
Yeah, I think they do "play" together...they also bond (I think) LOL....Mine are supposed to be here tomorrow....I'm not even excited right now :( I keep thinking I hope they arrive early so I can go to see Pixie :(
Your horses are hding pretty good in those pics though....all I see are 2 clown gobies :)
LOL...I have to search for 5 minutes every morning to do a head check. 2 come right to the feeding station, sometimes three, but one always hides and I have to guide her. They crunch up against the coral and become invisable. I can find them because I know their favorite hiding spots.
Not the best pictures, but I'm not so good at close ups. LOL...look how fat they are. They are the color of the rock and Kenya trees today.

This is TT the smallest, she wasn't playing with the others, she was looking for food.



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/384736/my-seahorse-tank-update-pictures#post_3371475
HOLY COW...they are fat....and their bellies look different to me...LOL
good job Flower

They are eating the amphipods besides my frozen mysis shrimp. I didn't notice how fat they were until I looked at the pictures. Umpa (the good eater) is the one with the really fat tummy, M&M has the black face next to Umpa. The pic with the one streached out is Miss Picky. They get a dark line down their backs and along the front and tail, then they have a grey blue tint...when they are in the corals..I can't see them at all until one moves.


Active Member
Do you see these two swimming together often????
And does the one in front flash or change colors while they are together.


Well-Known Member

First...what is a flash? Also there are three that go round and round..Today is a first. They looked like they were chasing each other around the rocks and corals this morning. They change color all the time so I don't know WHEN they do it.


Active Member
Does the one with the dark face change colors when he gets close th the others. does he kinda look like he's blushing, and is he snuggling up to that little girl???


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/384736/my-seahorse-tank-update-pictures#post_3371503
Does the one with the dark face change colors when he gets close th the others. does he kinda look like he's blushing, and is he snuggling up to that little girl???
Is that when they are doing the nasty?
LOL...Thats M&M... HER face stays dark all the time, and (please God let it be a SHE) does want to snuggle and the others wiggle away from her. She puts her head towards them and they shy back.
PS she was the one it looked like she was fighting that one time with TT and you said they could change sex...
Bottom two pictures are M&M I don't see a pouch...You looked at Umpa and said definate female (two weeks ago)..they can't change sex that fast can they?


Active Member
I would need better straight up and down pics, but the behavior is male. snuggled close, head down tight against his chest, and look at the bottom their stomacs, the one has a very round almost prego belly, and the other has a slanting towards the tale stomach.
If you see them together up and down in the tank, that is a mating dance.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/384736/my-seahorse-tank-update-pictures#post_3371508
I would need better straight up and down pics, but the behavior is male. snuggled close, head down tight against his chest, and look at the bottom their stomacs, the one has a very round almost prego belly, and the other has a slanting towards the tale stomach.
If you see them together up and down in the tank, that is a mating dance.

The head is tucked looking for food (amphipods) just below it. They also tuck their heads if they notice me watching them and get close to the coral or rock trying to hide. The belly is very round because they were just fed, and prego looking because they are pigs.
I was worried about mating because my tank isn't deep enough for a dance...but aren't they kind of young?
LOL...I'm still waiting for them to pose for a proper picture.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/384736/my-seahorse-tank-update-pictures#post_3371508
I would need better straight up and down pics, but the behavior is male. snuggled close, head down tight against his chest, and look at the bottom their stomacs, the one has a very round almost prego belly, and the other has a slanting towards the tale stomach.
If you see them together up and down in the tank, that is a mating dance.
LOL...I am by far NOT a sh expert...BUT I did say in a few posts above that there stomach looked different


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/384736/my-seahorse-tank-update-pictures#post_3371524
LOL...I am by far NOT a sh expert...BUT I did say in a few posts above that there stomach looked different

You were not going through such a hard time, I would be (pout) hurt at your laughter...I'm going to take pictures before I feed them today just to show you guys..they are just little piggy ponies. Nobody is prego. I have chaste female horses.