My Seahorse tank UPDATE: Pictures


Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/384736/my-seahorse-tank-update-pictures#post_3371525
You were not going through such a hard time, I would be (pout) hurt at your laughter...I'm going to take pictures before I feed them today just to show you guys..they are just little piggy ponies. Nobody is prego. I have chaste female horses.
LOL...I am not laughing at your Flower HAHA....I would never know how to sex them either......BUT....their bellies are a different shape
I would try to get more pics as T mentioned....SHE IS THE EXPERT HERE


Well-Known Member
Heheheheh, Flower, you better get ready. That's definitely the beginnings of courtship going on there. May be too early for mating, but it's gonna be a matter of time. Best you get a 5 gallon tank with a foam filter/airline at least in the house...... ;-)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by novahobbies http:///forum/thread/384736/my-seahorse-tank-update-pictures/20#post_3371527
Heheheheh, Flower, you better get ready. That's definitely the beginnings of courtship going on there. May be too early for mating, but it's gonna be a matter of time. Best you get a 5 gallon tank with a foam filter/airline at least in the house...... ;-)
maybe they are just gay little lesbo horses. I'm not being funny...I can't do babies.
I don't have room, money or the nerves to try keeping babies alive...I will catch every cute one of them and feed them to the 90g eaters of all tiny things rather than watch them die day by day.. Then I will cry for being a murderer of cute little horses.
Then I will contact peka and tell her she doesn't know boys from girls and offer to give the boy back. I might just call her tonite and tell her to come get HIM before he drops his little doomed bombs on me.


Active Member
He is too young to be preg. he is just showing off right now. His pouch isnt even developed all the way yet. You will know when he is. His pouch will be well definded, and they you can worry about sending the babies to peka.
It will be months before you have to worry. Then all you need is a plastic goldfish bowl, cut out the sides, cover with window screen, clip it in the tank a few days before male is ready to deliver, place male in the bowl a day or so before delivery date, and once he has them call peka.
They are prego about 14 to 18 days.


Active Member
raise them or flush them, sorry to say. Even i have had a couple batches go down the filter. If your not really paying that much attention, you prob wont even notice them, as they usually deliver early morning before lights go on.


So will other tank mates eat them? I hate to ask BUT....I am not raising any babies
The only mates I will (probably) have are going to be the 2 green banded gobies


Active Member
some will. You can also ask on the other site, and some people will pay shipping if you mail them the fry. There are instructions on how to do it on the site.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/384736/my-seahorse-tank-update-pictures/20#post_3371553
So will other tank mates eat them? I hate to ask BUT....I am not raising any babies
The only mates I will (probably) have are going to be the 2 green banded gobies
All you have to do is get a plastic goldfish bowl and some screen.....She makes it sound so easy doesn't she? After looking at her babies like we can just not try and keep the little things.


Active Member
lol, that just to keep the fry from going down the drain.
Now if you want a lesson on raising them, I can do that too. hehehehehe


Well-Known Member
How do these buggers survive in the ocean??? Are there no aiptasia, bristle worms, flexing temps, aggressive other fish?...Doesn't the current float all the babies away?
I just read some horrible story of inserting something is a boy seahorses pouch to get rid of bubbles trapped there...What does that job in the ocean?
So hehehe all you want, I'm suprised we have the seahorses alive on planet Earth at all. God sure has his hands full just taking care of the wild things.


Active Member
Thats prob why they have 2 to 3 hundred fry at a time, and live in macro algea fields where all the little bugs hide. lol


Well-Known Member

This is the picture that everyone says is a possible mated pair. The light colored horse is in question. The #2 cream color horse is def female.

Same horse..different pose. Its a girl


Active Member
but in these two pics, looks male. all you can do is wait a few more months, and see, its still young.