My Sincerest Apologies!


The more I learn about modern fish keeping methods, the more I realize how wrong I was to have an attitude towards people telling me how NOT to do things!
I have since figured out that my super successful 140 gal salt tank from 25 years ago was more a matter of extremely good luck than of finding the perfect filtration method.
So I would like to apologize to those whose helpful words were met with responses of "Just tell me how long it will take for my water to clear!!!"
I have taken the advice to heart, gotten rid of the fake corals and am currently loading up on live rock. Here is my tank as it looks today. I've included the old look to refresh your memories of who I am.
Thanks for knocking some sense into my head, and if possible I'd like to be welcomed back. This is by far the most active saltwater message board out there.
Humbly your's,


Thanks, I appreciate the warm welcome back. I got rid of my tangs and flame angel the hard way (they died). I now have one Niger Trigger and the tank is doing great. I don't plan on adding any fish for at least 4 months while I get my LR poundage up to snuff.


Active Member
Welcome back, Mystic! The tank looks better already, and with the addition of more LR I'm sure it will only get better with time. I'm glad to see that you've decided to take some the advice that you asked for.


Active Member
Well it takes a big person to realize that they were wrong and admit it. So, welcome back and I hope that everyoe here can be a huge help to you in any future inquiries that you might have. And I think your tank looks great, by the way.


Yes, I am a big person, ain't I? ;-) Thanks for the kind words everybody. While I have everybody's attention I have two quick questions.
1. Niger Triggers - Shy at first? I've seen this guy eat but he's always hiding. Today is his second day in the tank. He's just above juvenile stage, I'd say, about 2 1/2". Will he eventually come out and swim?
2. Aiptasia anemones - Should they definitely be removed from a tank if it's going to be FOWLR only? I like the look of them, probably the closest I'll come to having anemones in my tank. I'd like to keep them but I'll get rid of them if it's recommended.
Thanks for any and all responses.


Active Member
Nigers are definitely shy at first, yes. Give him some time to get used to you and the tank.
Secondly, yes, you want to kill the aipstasia because they can actually sting your fish and corals. Besides, if they continue to keep multiplying, it will not look very good eventually and they will be almost impossible to kill at that time.


ok. How do I kill them? I know certain fish will eat them but I'm not ready to add any fish yet. I've read the "hitchhiker" section of this site so I know of the methods. Does anybody have any preferred methods? Should I keep a few to add to my eventual fuge?


Although I've never had a niger fish, I have to say SHY would be for most fish! In my experience every fish I've introduced is initally shy and hides at first then appears for the long haul.
As for the Aiptasia, my expereince again would be get rid of it. It multiplies quick, so unless you really like the looks, I'd Joe Juice it!
You are more than welcomed back by me!


Originally Posted by mystic7
ok. How do I kill them? I know certain fish will eat them but I'm not ready to add any fish yet. I've read the "hitchhiker" section of this site so I know of the methods. Does anybody have any preferred methods? Should I keep a few to add to my eventual fuge?

Joe's Juice to kill it. I have never had luck with something eating it!

dea bad lt

Copperband butterflies will eat aptasia, but they may also eat some corals. If you are doing a FOWLR then that shouldn't be a problem.


Active Member
He does not want a copperband butterfly. Before giving advice, why don't you read the thread first? He already stated that he wanted to do this tank right and not add any fish for awhile. Also, butterflies should not be added to an immature tank. They like a mature and established system.
The Joe's Juice is what I would recommend as well because unlike other things that people use, Joe's Juice does not affect your levels.

dea bad lt

He asked if anyone had a preferred method. Well I gave him mine thats all. I understand he doesn't want to add fish right now. If he's not in a hurry to get rid of them then I would wait. If he wants to continually treat his tank with Joe's juice then you gave your preferered method.


My niger triger is always out. But then I did save him from deathco. I think it is the fastest growing saltwater fish I have ever had. Nice looking tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by mystic7
I have taken the advice to heart, gotten rid of the fake corals and am currently loading up on live rock. Here is my tank as it looks today. I've included the old look to refresh your memories of who I am.
Thanks for knocking some sense into my head, and if possible I'd like to be welcomed back. This is by far the most active saltwater message board out there.
Humbly your's,
M7 - the tank so looks so much better! As you add more and it matures you'll be glad you took the suggestions to heart.
Everyone here had to learn sometime - this was your time and later on you'll be educating others as you put in place the new practices in this hobby.
My hat is off to you! Being humble isn't easy and admitting one is wrong can even be harder.
Welcome back!
Denise M.


The tank looks fantastic!!! Much better than the first one. Please keep us updated with pictures as you add more fish!!