Hah, I don't think I am going to get a Heart Attack. Thanks for the compliment. I didn't know people liked my advice so much. heh.
I'm lazy period. lol. I got an interview on Monday working at a bookstore! Maybe a job that keeps me on my feet all day, bending over stacks and putting up books will help me loose some weight.
All I know is, I have to modify my diet or else it's not going to work. A friend of mine said to me: "If it tastes good, SPIT IT OUT!"
It's kind of funny how you go on all those other diets and you can loose weight quick, but your not going to stay on the diet once you reach your ideal weight. I made a life change back in highschool years ago, and one of my friends (who was as skinny as a toothpick and couldn't gain weight) started getting me to eat and snack on unhealthy foods about two years ago. I'm not blaming him at all, I'm just saying that I gave in, and I shouldn't have.
I'm glad that I am doing this. This makes me feel like I am accomplishing something again, and I can already feel like I am healthier by just bike riding a few times and excersizing a little. Also, not drinking so much sugar is making me feel better and think faster. I'm really enjoying this so far, and I think I can keep up with it!