Name Your Least Favorite Fish

I bought 2 SW black mollies, I have no idea why I did it and now I really don't want them, but of course they will probably be the ones to outlive everything else in the tank lol.


I HATE my lawnmower blenny. I've had this fish for 2 years and I just can't get it out of my tank. It hides inside this rock... I actually took the rock out of the water and the dumb fish won't come out. I absolutely hate this fish, I wish one of my triggers would eat it for lunch.


Engineer gobies,
Sure they are enjoyable to stare at, and to watch them eat but their constant digging, more than once, has ruined my rockwork, collapsed my sps into dark creviced and even broke my gorgian. Needless to say a month ago I found it dead laying on the bottom with a seashell in its mouth.
Even though i despise them i was still upset that it died but not surprised the way it died.


I think It's tough to name a Fish Species as a Fish I hate... I don't hate any particular Species of Fish.. But I do Hate Two specific Fish...
Both of whom are fish for sale at the store I work at...
A foxface Rabbitfish... This guy Is just never Happy... I know Foxface "bar up" and get mottled coloration when stressed... But the only time He Doesn't freak out is when your on the other side of the Fish section. literally, if there's someone anywhere near the glass he freaks out changes color and hides near the intake...
And the Biggest Tomato Clown in the Tomato Clown tank... She... I Assume she's a she since she's seems to be the most dominant...
but She Has decided to host the upper corner of the tank... Thats not that bad, except when you have to clean the algae off the tank... And she attacks your hand like a rabid dog...
That little fish has some nasty teeth too...


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Hey, if you had this lawnmower blenny, you'd hate it too. He's sneaky. He hides in his hole and when fish go by, he nips at them and by the time they go after him, he hides back in his hole. Luckily he doesn't do any real damage.


Whatever the Chromis is that I have, it chases and nips my clown fish and tries to get the diamond goby. He is so going to be leaving soon. My three stripe damsel isn't bad and has lots of character. The only time I saw him bug anyone was for a very short time the first day I added new fish. He does do a weird thing though....digs holes in the sand with his tail ???


Active Member
No offense but why get/have a fish that you hate. I wish I had more tanks so I could take all of your "bad" fishes off you hands.
I think they were kidding about not likeing the Christmas Island Emp. If they really don't like it then I am shocked.


Well-Known Member
Cowfish. Why keep a fish that could potentially nuke the entire aquarium?? Sure you could keep it as a species only system, but IMO they're not pretty enough to keep by themselves.


Diamond Goby... It and my coral banded waged war on each other, the coral banded pulled the gobie's eye out, I think he learned his lesson.


wow, such strong hate in this thread. in all honesty, ive never really had a fish that ive hated, since i knew what i was getting into before i bought it. and its funny how people who havent even kept damsels say they're absolutely a little terror and they're so aggresive. me, nor my brother, have had a damsel that was mean, or a "little devil"


Active Member
+1 I have kept damsels, they are mean but not "litte devils" or "terrors". But it was a damsels only tank.