I would say it could be a possible outbreak but diatoms come and go. Only thing that will ever eat that type of algae that ive had any luck with is a Fighting Conch. And you would only want 1 of them because you are not gonna have enough algae for more than that. 1 of those can keep a 75 gallon clean so 1 would be cool to get. But you could easily just brush it off the rock with your fingers or a turkey baster. Algae blooms are gonna come and go in our tanks no matter what we do. We all have an outbreak at one point or another. I see it as not a big deal unless its effecting your corals or something like that. Algae is good in a way i think
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6 http:///forum/post/2800866
I would say it could be a possible outbreak but diatoms come and go. Only thing that will ever eat that type of algae that ive had any luck with is a Fighting Conch. And you would only want 1 of them because you are not gonna have enough algae for more than that. 1 of those can keep a 75 gallon clean so 1 would be cool to get. But you could easily just brush it off the rock with your fingers or a turkey baster. Algae blooms are gonna come and go in our tanks no matter what we do. We all have an outbreak at one point or another. I see it as not a big deal unless its effecting your corals or something like that. Algae is good in a way i think
Ok. Thanks alot....
So how much longer should i wait to try out a fish?
What would you suggest for a 1st fish.. i know for sure i want to clowns and a 6 line. What would be good to add with those. The 6 line should be last right?
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 http:///forum/post/2800783
Get one in hour or so... just got the Call of duty: World at war maltiplayer beta. goin to check it out
Also think its time for a waterchange?
let me know how that is, i was addicted to CoD4 for awhile.
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 http:///forum/post/2802165
Perhaps I will, good to know its cool. Good luck on your first fish!
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 http:///forum/post/2802870
What you play, 360 or PS3?
I have both systems, i use to play CoD4 on 360, but a majority of my friends had it on PS3, so i traded it in and got the PS3 version. Here's my gamer tag if you want to add me, they are the same on both systems.
GT: WhiskFishercat
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 http:///forum/post/2803231
Nothing really new. Went to get a clown and sold out.. Gotta wait til sat now
Latest pic:
Yeah, i know... Well at least i will be able to get one last water change in before i add my new baby. Also by then, the LFS will have some Shrimp in too. Im not sure what kind to get yet.
Any suggestions?
i definitely want a cleaner and fire shrimp in my tank. Other good ones I heard are the peppermints and coral banded, but i "think" the coral banded are aggressive towards other shrimp.