NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!


Active Member
Decided on a Percula clown... I want to get 2, but would it be ok to add 1 now and the other later? i dont want them to fight


Active Member
i was under the impression to get clowns as pairs, but there are so many clown types they could be different. I agree with Nissan and ask around (maybe in the clown section). Good luck.


Active Member
If you can get two at the same time. Both should be the same size as each other and small. This way you can watch nature work in the changing of one into the female and the dominant - submissive interaction that goes on as this happens. The female will grow larger, a way in which you can keep track of what is going on.


Active Member
peppermint shrimps, i heard those are good for eating aiptasia or however you spell it. very cool.


Active Member
no. they do eat it. and awsome congrats on the pep shrimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love them. but whos sammy and jojo? are those your name?