NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!


Active Member
Looks great bro
What kind of water are you using for water? A nitrate reading of 20 is on the border of being a problem in a reef, you definitely do not want it to go over 30ppm. I know you asked about fcatch's cpr HOB fuge, that would do wonders for lowering your nitrates, plus you would have an area to culture pods. Even so, we should try to figure out why the nitrates are elevated. Like I said what kind of water do you use, and what and how often do you feed?


Active Member
I use RO water and i feed brine shrimp or cyclo everyother day
just checked nitrates again, and the waterchange must of helped. Trates dropped down to 5-10
PAGE 11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
hey man! congrats! and love the new updated pics you posted in the club. maybe here to but i havent check
loving your tank!


Active Member
Hey Mark did not read the thread before answering your PM but your "Water a bit cloudy, was moving things around" statement means you could have stirred up some nutrient from the sand bed too.


Active Member
looking great as always, and really good deal on that zoa...did they have a sale going on?


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Hey Mark did not read the thread before answering your PM but your "Water a bit cloudy, was moving things around" statement means you could have stirred up some nutrient from the sand bed too.
I didnt really move anything near the sand, just a few rocks on top.
Originally Posted by Whisk

looking great as always, and really good deal on that zoa...did they have a sale going on?
Yeah they had a sale on their nano corals, i just got one. Dont wanna add too much too soon.


the tank looks great so far, and slowly is the best way to do it, you have that right
and make sure you post a pic of the eagle eyes