Nano Reef Diary :O)

My new hood arrived. Now I finally have the moon lite leds. Man are they awesome. If there was one more right in the middle it would be really cool looking, but oh well.
Anyways, There is a decent amount of debris still floating around my tank.
This is either because there isn't enough suction at the back (lots of particles just go right by that back chamber where the water gets sucked in, and isn't affected.
I think this issue may be a combination of a couple things.
Rock design, creates a circular water movement in tank, making it harder for the intake to suck in particles.
Too much substrate in back (I don't even have much, two of those mesh plastic cube things, a bag of purigen and a bag of chemipure.
Pump shoot water too quickly out making the water circle even faster making it harder for back to pick it up
(I tried putting in the regular pump last night, hasn't seemed to help (this one is about 106gpm, where as the other was 220).
These are the only factors I can really think of.
Maybe there isnt ENOUGH substrate and I need filter floss in there as well. Maybe more particles are getting sucked in than I think yet they are just getting pumped back out.
I duno, any thoughts?
Good news is that my mushroom has grown at least 130% in size since I have gotten it, and fully attached.
The soft corals I have got are also starting to split and grow new heads. Has to be a good thing and reflect on water quality, so also a good sign.
Clown fish still healthy and finally eating the food I feed him.