Nano Reef Diary :O)

Well the brain is hard as a rock. It literally just looks like a dark green colored rock. If the guy hadn't told me it was a coral I would have never known. Plus theres coraline algae starting to grow on it so I'm pretty sure its dying.
As for the sun coral, I have it in a place currently where I can get to it but theres too much light and sun corals don't like light at all from what I have read.
Some of that xenia or anthenna, still don't know what it is was attached to pieces of bubble coral which i popped (outisde of hte tank) and have nestled into some tonga so hopefully it attaches.
I guess i'm gonna wait until this weekend when i go to LFS and see if they want it. If not I'll post it locally for anyone who wants them.
So I woke up, turned on light and theres a decent amount of debris or sand just floating in the water. Looked in the bank and third chamber is 1/4 full of water.
the pump was still pumping water fine but the heater was sticking out of the water... I duno it still had its green light on, maybe it had just happened as I got up. Anyways I moved the heater to the first chamber and fixed the flow issue in the second chamber so it wont happen again (i hope)
I wonder why my tank is so sandy/cloudy though.
If it isn't resolved when I get home I think I'll clean my filters.
so i pulled everything out of my back area of my tank. used tubing and sucked all the nasty stuff left behind from the water draining out of my filters. cleaned everything off, put it back in.
i'm pretty short on water now, its still enough for it to pump but its cuttin it kind of close.
my water is a mess totally cloudy now with debris pumped back out from my filter (guess its hard to get all that gunk outta that back chamber) and the water level is low
should i go to the grocery store and get 2 gallons or distilled water? i heard its piped using copper so it's no good for reef tanks? should i just wait until tomorrow when lfs opens?
GO GO GO! lol....
there goes my parking spot for the night... sigh...
one of my main pet peeves about the city, crap parking. lol. brb.
Water mixing now. 2.18Cent per gallon... unreal hahaha.
Just another perk of living in the city, getting ripped off on everything. Heres the crazy thing, got my exact same partking spot... pretty unreal.
I'll check it right now. Yep prob shouldn't have added salt water, its now at 1.027 up from 1.025. Can you explain why I should have added 2 gallons of just distilled? That would have brought the salinity down a bit wouldnt it?
Scratch that It's at 1.025 :)
*also* my cleaner shrimp molted, pretty cool it was attached to the side of the rock this morning, color and everything still on the exoskeleton.
Found a dead scarlet leg hermit today :( gonna test levels.
Levels fine. Blue legged hermit now ocucpies that huge shell that my scarlet once occupied. dirty little hermit killin mah 6$ scarlet noooooooooo.
I should buy some empty shells


Originally Posted by nanoreefnoob
Found a dead scarlet leg hermit today :( gonna test levels.
They do molt you know.....I have them, and at first I kept thinking they were al ldead...then the next night I would see them crawling all over....
Well where once a red crab lived, a blue now does. That coupled with the dead body leads my to believe the blue legged killed the red
the blues are pretty tiny compared to the red, surprising?
who knwos, maybe the red died and the blue took his shell


Originally Posted by nanoreefnoob
Well where once a red crab lived, a blue now does. That coupled with the dead body leads my to believe the blue legged killed the red
the blues are pretty tiny compared to the red, surprising?
who knwos, maybe the red died and the blue took his shell
LOL...Maybe....I have seen what looked like a whole red crab in the sand as well, but just never know