Nano Reef Diary :O)

So I was wondering? I know hermits need replacement bigger shells when they get bigger.. but what about snails?
Should I just go to the LFS and ask for some empty shells?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nanoreefnoob
So I was wondering? I know hermits need replacement bigger shells when they get bigger.. but what about snails?
Should I just go to the LFS and ask for some empty shells?

actually never had that happnd to me.
Just did a 3 Gallon WC. Went pretty well. I think I need an extra foot of tubing. Kept getting salt water in my mouth tryin to get enough suction to suck the water from the back refuge area for the WC. I can only imagine the 800 billion different organisms that I have ingested since. Yummy.
Anyways, I'll wait till tomorrow to post water parameters.
I was told today when I was buyin RO/DI before work that I should wait a half year before getting that Yasha Hasha Goby.
Which I don't really mind waiting but I'll prob look for a substitute that doesn't require waiting that much time for.
I'll be getting 2 false percs sometime this week, although I need to find a good store to get them from.
the guy was chargin 80$ for a pair... kinda ridiculous.
Yeah it's a terrible deal, they aren't even a mated pair. As for getting corals with the clowns I doubt it will happen. I will have to wait till next paycheck. I had to pay off a big chunk of my credit card and another debt so I'm kinda strapped for cash the next 12 days. I can prob swing 50-60$ for the clowns, but I doubt much more than that.
The thing that really sucks is my hours that I work don't really allow for me to be here to receive any packages otherwise I would buy online so save some dough.
Is that a possibility? I didn't know that exists and I get a lot of stuff shipped, just not fish. I found two false percs for 50$ on craigslist, although they are in a pretty big tank now, would be afraid to downsize and the fish would just hate this small tank.
But back to the morning shipment... how accurate do you think it would be.. I mean if the fish got delivered late and I had to leave for work I would be out of live fish and significant cash, considering 2 clowns don't even make the minimum for an order on this site, I'd have to purchase a coral as well :)
Calcium 400-420. Lost count lol. Will this reestablish itself and get a bit higher? Is there a way to boost it? I think 400 is bare minimum for reef tank right?
Alkalinity 11 DKH
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0
Phosphate 0
PH 8.4
Everything perfect :)

tang master

as long as the weather is good outside i also have had them leave it in a trash can with pillows in just leave em a not. but yeah i get most my stuff shipped to work.
Any idea on how to boost calcium ? I suppose I will have to find a way to do that. google here i come.
also my dad hooked me up with light timers, unfortunately they are only two prong and my lighting requires the third grounding prong. looks like i'll have to make a trip to home depot in the future.