Nano Reef Diary :O)

Yeah, to be honest I knew in the back of my mind that this supplement was sort of unnecessary but It was $7 and I know the guy struggles to keep his business afloat. I don't mind tossin a couple dollars in the guys pocket so he can keep his shop runnin. Shrimp still acclimating though, will post pics when I get him in there, another 30 mins or so prob


Active Member
wait you paid 29.99 for the shrimp! man i pay 19.99! or even 15.99!
i win! j.k but i do get it for that price. the iodine no need. but i have seen my crabs molt when i had iodine. also for shrimp feed the frozen brine.
and woohoo!
I'll post pics in a bet, I'm kind of doing a half a** acclimation, just letting a little more tank water in every 10 minutes. I wana try for at least 1 hour acclimation. been reading lots about how easily cleaner shrimps die when introduced into new environments where the water may have different parameters. kinda nervous so I wana give it time. 21 more minutes and 2 more introductions of my tank water and pics in 25
LOL. just saved one of my hermit crabs. there are a couple old clam shells that have merged onto my LR and have become a part of it over time and one of my blue leg hermits was stuck inside of it. I thought he was just hangin out past day or so, but i could barely get him out of there. had to pop the shell loose with a plastic knife, hes moving around now and seems happier!
hahahahaha, yeah there was probably a lot of confusion.
cleaner shrimp in and cruisin around. cat now likes fish tank. still looking for my media card adapter. gimmie a couple mins its gotta be around here somewhere.
**First time she saw it. She go " is this thing"**

***Then she go "SHRIMP MUST DIEEEEEEEE!"**

If you gimmie like 3 minutes I will have digital cam pics of tank.


LOL...My cat chases the scooter blennie in th 54g...and the red spotted sandperch in the 225
It's hilarious


Active Member
record it!
and awwwwwwww how cute! if you dont see the cat the next day you know what happnd.
first this:

Fail pictures I guess. Anyways I'll just bump this and we'll be on page 4 soon enough hahah. I'll figure how to resize future pics.
But in the mean time
since my tank by now is at least 1 gallon short, and I have almost 4 gallons mixing right now, what would you think of this.
I want to add 1 gallon tonight. (To bring the temp up to proper water level)
Then can I have this salt water keep mixing for 2 days and do a WC wednesday? or would that be too long to let the water mix..