Nano Reef Diary :O)

Yeah I just got the one but shes pretty cool. I adopted her and got pretty lucky, she never does anything real, really cool cat.
Anyways... My large piece of figi the top flat piece of rock.. I had lots of pencil sized holes through it where bristle worms live... I just now noticed something different
What I saw was either a translucent worm , pin head size in diameter, only maybe an inch or so long, creeping out from the holes.
Either that or it is a tentacle of something else.
Time to start googling.. lol

**edit** I bet this is what it is. tentacles seem identical although I only saw one...
nope. its the green kind. pretty decent sized, two bubbles. Have just been reading emerald crabs will eat them.
Haven't noticed it has been here yet, so I will wait a day or so and see if he gets around to them, if he doesn't i duno. Prob take rock into sep bucket of water to remove them carefully as to not spread spores in tank if I accidentally pop them
should i give the crab a chance to munch them down, or does that risk him popping them and spreading?
I guess I can just clip them to be on the safe side
I'm bout to order 3 steak tacos, cilantro and onion only with limes on the side.
hit em with some lime juice and that green salsa....
what up.....
where you at... where you at with your tacos
yeah thats what i thoughTTTTTTT


Active Member
you spelled thought wrong lol
you cant spell!
and bro your thread is funny. you make it half tank and half food?
hahaha. yeahh... i can't resist.
best part about livin in chicago, you can get any type of food delivered late night. gotta love it.
this place im ordering from is absolutel garbage mexican food, but they make jalopeno poppers from scratch that are unreal. so i usually grab some of those too.
Oook. So I just got done cleaning my apt and checked all my levels. Everything is PERFECT.
That live rock I has really does wonders, that top flat piece is a pretty strong piece. While my tank has only been up 16-17 days I really feel that I should start stocking.
If the levels are this stable I really see no reason not to.
It's prob me wanting to rush a bit but there are no indications that it isn't safe to start stocking, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and do that today.
I'm thinking a single fish to start with, and then in a week maybe add more.
So today I will grab a Yasha Goby.
Unless you think it wouldn't be too stressful to add the two clowns first?
I duno.. I know you said that I should start with a coral but I kinda want something fun to stare at for the next couple weeks while the tank recovers from the new bio load.

Oh also... I will be grabbing three gallons of RO/DI while I'm there, should I wait a day until after the water change to add the goby or two clowns? Or should I add fish today then water change tomorrow when the new salt/water has had enough time to mix?


Active Member
well i still think you should go coral first. but if you want get the fish go for it. i would do the clowns since they are hardier. and i would wait on the water change atleast 2 days then do it.
Ah... how quickly things change. Prob gonna go back home to suburbs, scoop some buddies then head back here and go out. I'll prob end up doin the water change and adding fish next weekend. Never hurt anyone to wait I suppose. Thanks for your response Nissan.
Yeah sorry I type stuff and it just makes no sense sometimes.
Anyways, I didn't think I'd have the energy to do anything today but imma go get two clowns right now and then 3 gallons of water, which i will mix prob tomorrow to do a water change on wednesday.
That should give the clowns enough time to acclimate before the WC.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nanoreefnoob
Yeah sorry I type stuff and it just makes no sense sometimes.
Anyways, I didn't think I'd have the energy to do anything today but imma go get two clowns right now and then 3 gallons of water, which i will mix prob tomorrow to do a water change on wednesday.
That should give the clowns enough time to acclimate before the WC.

sure! and no coral?
So they didn't have any false percs, which are the only ones I'm interested in.
I ended up getting a pretty decent size cleaner shrimp. a good 2 inches long for $29.99 and a bottle of this iodine buffer, the guy said I needed it with inverts...that dude talks me into buyin some chemical every time im there hahaha.
anyways, he is drip acclimating now. I'm gonna get coral but I wana ease into it.
I'll grab 2 false percs next saturday probably. Then my goby, then start doin corals. At least thats what I'm thinking.
I'm also tryin not to spend lots of money so I'm gonna grab one or two things per paycheck so spending doesn't get out of hand.
Also, I didn't get any food for this guy, and have yet to buy any type of food for my tank/inhabitants.
What are you thinking? should i grab some frozen brine or something? maybe put a little of that in there for the cleaner every otehr day?