Nano Reef Diary :O)

Thanks for the heads up. I'm aware of the "health issues" with eating ground beef because theres so much room for bacteria where as a whole piece of meat only has bacteria on the outside. To be honest I just don't care, I chance that stuff all the time. I eat food left out overnight. My body is a garbage disposal and I will treat it as such haha.
Anyways, updates for tonight.
All levels good. Algae growing on grass. Too bad I can't get my snails off my delicious rocks to munch on the glass algae haha. I may have to pick up a couple more snails? Are there any brands that clean solely glass? This rock is too irresistible to my astreas.
On a side note, my apartment smells like skunk. No clue where it's coming from. Any chance dried saltwater on the carpet could produce bacteria that would smell like skunk? I have spilt some salt water on my carpet since this tanks inception and I'm thinking maybe I need to wash the carpet?
Yeah I was gonna say I need something for my sand bed. I'll look into those. Do you think it's dried salt water that is causing the skunk smell? Either that or the guy who lives above me is harvesting about 800 lbs of weed lol.
Nope, so..I go out to my car to grab dry cleaning, give my nose a minute to rest and then decide to come back to my apt. I start walkin up the stairs towards my floor 3, and can smell weed already. So I walk down the 2nd floor hall and sure enough, door open and a kid leaving in the apt below me, wreeeeeaking of weed. guess it's just comin through the floor.
no complaints here though I'm just glad I figured out where the mystery smell is comin from.
either the kid below me is holding A LOT of weight, or they just filled that entire studio apt so full of smoke it wafted up here. I would be willing to wager the former..
LOL... naaah
Anyways, back to fish talk.
So I'm thinkin I wana try to stock the corals by color. Try to get a little variety. I'll be drooling over pretty coral for the next hour or so and try to put together a list.
Know any really colorful cheap corals? feel free to list em.
So theres a bit of algae (greenish) forming on my glass, a bit in an area of my sandbed as well. I slapped the sand area around a bit, prob stupid after the thought, i prob just spread little algae spores everywhere, so there might be a bigger bloom coming now. Also took the snails and put them on the glass, for some reason they wont leave that rock.
Anyways they are muching it down now, hopefully itll be a bit more cleared up tomorrow.
I'm gonna grab some more snails tomorrow as well. What I currently have isn't really cutting it.
Yeah I have one. I for some reason thought it would be bad to stir up the algae or whatever. I'll make sure to clean whatever these snails haven't gotten to in the morning.
I put all 5 on this one side and they are racing to see who will win. om nom nom algae %h
Also, while on the topic of snails.
I know it's probably not ideal to just pull a snail off glass/rock to put them where you want them, for many reasons, but in the case where I have done it i have just applied a small amount of pressure and then twist not even 10 degrees in each direction to kind of wiggle them off what they are on..
Is there a correct way to do this, can you just POP them off whatever they are on, or should I practice this slow method.. lol
Also, if I do decide to get more snails, and preferabbly something for sand bed, doesn't have to be a snail I suppose.
Stock List
5 Blue Leg Hermits-all very small
2 scarlet hermits-pretty good size
1 Emerald Crab
5 Astrea
i would put the lights on right now and grab a pic but i saw my emerald crab eating that grass algae stuff and I want it gone. if I turn the lights on or anything he will scatter

but hey, is there any reason why my snails when on the glass, all seem to travel towards the top at some point and hang out with their face/snout thingy JUST above the water line?
Looks like they are trying to get oxygen or something.


LOL...don't reposition the snails.....they will get to the algae when they are ready...if they are staying in one spot, it's cause they are still eating...Also I would recommend some nassarius snails, and some cerith snails...
Nassarius and ceriths it is!

Will check/post levels later, just got home long day. Eating some din din and tryin to ignore my cat meowing non stop.
she meows for a good 10-15 minutes straight after I get home.
At first I thought it was a yayyy you came back i love you
but coupled with the biting of my feet i think its more of a
"nooooooo you came back. leeeaveee nowwww human!!!