Nano Reef Diary :O)

Took out a little to much during WC. It's maybe 1/2 3/4 of a gallon low right now. I'm gonna grab a gallon tomorrow to get it back up.
Totally unrelated. Just ordered a medium rare burger with cheddar cheese and bacon. And a crab cake appetizer. Just in case you want to drool.
Someone's never had pizza from Chicago.

So.. if my levels stay good for a week or so, I'm prob gonna grab some fish/invert/coral... something
I'm thinking I will either get....
2 Clowns at Once.
Tiger Pistol/Yashia Goby at once.
A soft coral, zoos, or a ricordia. What is hardy and a good starter?
Any opinion on how I should stock, what to add first?
Oh also... my huge piece of premium figi LR is getting cleaned like crazy. IT is amazing how well these crabs have cleaned it off already.. I'm so impressed. Every hour i look at it and it looks totally different. They are good lawn mowers.

So is that grass looking stuff hair algae or what? Looks like grass to me, but the LFS guy was sayin its prob a type of algae. Anyways, they have cleared a good 30% of it away already in 10 hours!!
In the third pic you can see a couple hermits and a astrea munchin down, and the emerald crab in the back


The pic is a little blurry cause it's too close...can you get another pic...if it is feathery it could be bryopsis...BUT hard to tell from that picture
I'll grab some pics after work for confirmation, but I did a quick google and I'm 99% sure it isn't. This is just straight looking grass, doesn't branch out into feathers or anything.
I would take some pics and upload them now, but I gotta shower and head to work. I'll be back in like 9-10 hours though and I'll take some HQ pics with my digital camera instead of the cell phone this time. Also. I will take a picture of kitty. Meow!

Also. My coraline algae seems to be dying a little more every day. It should grow back though I'm thinking. Just little white patches on all of it, getting a littttttle bigger every day. Oh and I didn't put them up there for the pic ya jerk ! hahahaha. They are STILL all up there now. Man they love that rock.
Ugh, had to put in a lot of hours at work today get some stuff done before I left. I won't be takin pictures tonight, or readings. Tomorrow I will though and there will be presents. in the form of kitties.


Originally Posted by nanoreefnoob
Took out a little to much during WC. It's maybe 1/2 3/4 of a gallon low right now. I'm gonna grab a gallon tomorrow to get it back up.
Totally unrelated. Just ordered a medium rare burger with cheddar cheese and bacon. And a crab cake appetizer. Just in case you want to drool.
Nice tank.

On your unrelated note, never ever eat a medium to rare burger. Burgers are of course ground up meat/steak. Bacteria can and does live on the outside skin of the steak(not to mention the accidental transfer of bacteria from the person doing the work on your beef). When you cook a steak, the outside is cooked and kills the bacteria which means you can eat it rare, as long as you don't poke at the steak or create holes for bacteria to go in. Since the burgers are ground up, the outside bacteria is then ground up with the meat and can survive cooking because you are only cooking the oustide. So, always get a burger cooked all the way through and enjoy