Nano Reef Diary :O)


Active Member
nice. but just to ask why dont you break the long rock in 2 and reaquascape the tank. IMO it will look better. yet again the rockwork is gonna change!

tang master

hey nissan, i haven't beenon in a while and now it seems as if these forums are sorta dying. Does that sound right to you? Last time i was on was about 5 months ago


Active Member
hey bro! yea they are dying and it could be on many things. i wish it could back up. as you may know we still have some great oldies! lol
like spanko, meowzer, nano-newb, and patrick something. and many more for sure. but of what i know those are on. lol
i really miss subie and rebel and blazin and many others that moved on and Mr. X to! great guys with great information. but what can we do?
hopefully the new peeps can be as caring and not mean peeps and make swf great again.
I'm gonna post a daily log of chem levels for my tank. That way I can easily keep track of my tank cycling. I feel it's gonna be a quick cycle!
Carbonate (Hardness): 250.6
Phosphate: 0.5
Nitrite: somewhere between 0-5.0 I would guess maybe 1.5 or 2. kind of hard to tell with these gradient charts
If someone can post a picture of their Saltwater PH picture card that shows levels it would be awesome. They were behind the counter at LFS and she gave me Fresh Water PH instead. From what I'm guessing the only difference in the test is the card, this ph only goes up to like 7.2 or something. and the SW im guessing goes higher.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nanoreefnoob
answer in red were they need to be
Ammonia:1.0 0.00 ppm
Nitrite:0 0.00ppm
Calcium:540 450ppm to 500ppm (needs to be lower)
Carbonate (Hardness): 250.6 idk what that is but good alk is 8-11
Phosphate: 0.5 0.00ppm
Nitrite: somewhere between 0-5.0 I would guess maybe 1.5 or 2. kind of hard to tell with these gradient charts0.00ppm
PH-8.4 a purple color you get in the test
as you can see it may look like a fast cycle but its just starting now. your ammonia will go up which then will go to trites then to trates. which will soon lower. or its trites to ammonia to trates. lol doesnt matter cause when one goes up the others will to.
so keep posting the params daily. its been like a few days right? i give 2-3 weeks left. ghost feed the tank. by throwing some pellets in the tank. like few of them. or raw shrimp.
Yeah i just got the live rock a bit more than 30 hours ago. I will have to wait and see. Hopefully things even out. Trying to figure out why the carbonate and calcium are so high but who knows maybe they will drop to a healthy level. I'll post these again tomorrow night before I go to bed. Thanks for all your help!

tang master

Originally Posted by nissan577
hey bro! yea they are dying and it could be on many things. i wish it could back up. as you may know we still have some great oldies! lol
like spanko, meowzer, nano-newb, and patrick something. and many more for sure. but of what i know those are on. lol
i really miss subie and rebel and blazin and many others that moved on and Mr. X to! great guys with great information. but what can we do?
hopefully the new peeps can be as caring and not mean peeps and make swf great again.
yeah dude, that is what i am hopeing for to. so where did rebel and all them move to?
Water Test Results 07/19
Salinity 1.024-1.025
Ammonia:Between 1 and 2. Prob 1.5
Calcium: 540 (27 drops)
Carbonate (Hardness):232.7 (13 drops)


Active Member
alk is at 13ppm. it has to be between 8-12ppm
and cal is to high. now that ammonia is up trates are gonna go up to.
Thanks. I'll start reading up on cycling again, I know it said something about water changes. Theres so much to learn in this hobby, not everything is sticking.
Founds this by googling about the calicium level..
"I now just let the level drop between water changes. I'm measuring the calcium level of Coralife salt to be 540 ppm. Doing water changes every two weeks seems to be enough to keep my calcium level between 440 and 460 ppm. Right after a water change the level is 460 ppm after two weeks it drops to 440 ppm. I'm kind of surprised it only drops to 20 ppm. I expected my calcium consumption to be higher than that."
I use the same salt as this guy. Looks like the level will drop on its own week by week.
Proposed Stock List
2x FP Clowns
1x Tiger Pistol Shrimp
1X Yashia Goby
CUC undecided, haven't looked into it enough. I do realize that CUC comes first, just tossin out ideas for fish/invert stock list as of now.