Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
w.e idc what you think of my tank ck. atleast i have friends that live here in miami. not like you.

We keep stating facts. You keep saying none sense. Please stop. Your making yourseld look dumb. You say you do not care what he thinks about your tank but you keep posting in threads how amazing it is. Dude, Give up. And saying we have no lives? What is that? Where are you getting this from? Cause we dont think you should have a banded shark in a 75 and have nicer tanks then u does not mean we have no lives.


Active Member
ok man i got what you mean. i know i said i have a nicer tank. but still ck doesnt need to take it serious. does he have not humer? dude its just like what if you had a shark in a 75g before and you know he did fine. and out of no were a guys comes out and starts bothering you about it? it pisses me off! maybe you dont know what i mean. but still its like wtf! and then for ck to get mad cause i said i have a better tank? i understand for him getting mad cause we were arguing in his thread but for something like that. cmon

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
ok man i got what you mean. i know i said i have a nicer tank. but still ck doesnt need to take it serious. does he have not humer? dude its just like what if you had a shark in a 75g before and you know he did fine. and out of no were a guys comes out and starts bothering you about it? it pisses me off! maybe you dont know what i mean. but still its like wtf! and then for ck to get mad cause i said i have a better tank? i understand for him getting mad cause we were arguing in his thread but for something like that. cmon
It did fine but it died? How long did you have it? And you said it was 2ft, How did it turn around in your 75g? And if someone said I should not keep a shark in my 75g I would reseach a little and then tell he was right.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaTT B
It did fine but it died? How long did you have it? And you said it was 2ft, How did it turn around in your 75g? And if someone said I should not keep a shark in my 75g I would reseach a little and then tell he was right.
well i had it for 2 years. and it was 2 feet exact it was 1 feet 5 inches. i just saw the pic. and it turned perfectly. well yea with a little trouble but it did great. yea you are right. its dumb to keep a shark in a 75g. but this is just a egg. and ima let it hatch in the 75 and then take it back to the lfs. but if you guys dont believe me its cool cause i know i am.


Active Member
o cuz nissan got a shark egg? lol I thought I read that somewhere... whatever, its his tank I am sure he can hatch it in there then transfer it whenever HE wants, not when others thing he should. no idea what happened with coarl keepers thing.... is the thread still around?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by SilverDak
o cuz nissan got a shark egg? lol I thought I read that somewhere... whatever, its his tank I am sure he can hatch it in there then transfer it whenever HE wants, not when others thing he should. no idea what happened with coarl keepers thing.... is the thread still around?
It is not only the shark egg. He goes into peoples threads and spams them like crazy and says how great his tank is and how bad theres are.


Active Member
wow matt is there no humor in you?
everyone above you said to let me do what I want. And the only person I told that I said I have a better tank is ck. But since he's a baby and can't take a joke. Then so be it.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by nissan577
wow matt is there no humor in you?
everyone above you said to let me do what I want. And the only person I told that I said I have a better tank is ck. But since he's a baby and can't take a joke. Then so be it.
But they do not realize you do not plan on taking it back. You have let one get to two feet and die and you plan to do it again. But to each is there own.