Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!


Active Member
Ok nano reefers out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we are gonna have a contest today that we all know who might win. lol rebelprettyboy. but who knows maybe there is someone out there that might beat him.
the contest is about ZOAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who ever can take an amaing pics of there favorite zoas wins the contest. and for prizes. you have to wait and see
it will start today and end next weekend! so start posting pics of zoas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
lol. rebel you know all your pics are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol so any pics you put it will be hard to beat


End the drama, nobody has a better tank than anyone else, we have our own opinions and thats it. The shark, if he wants to do it, then let him, he has to live with the decision.
Here is my Zoa pic:


Active Member
thankyou for making it clear fcatch.

and wow man love the zoas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and what a great pic with the gramma right behind it!
it looks like its gonna be hard!


don't sweat it!! Everyone told me a dragonet couldn't make it in a 29, and Clams couldn't live under PC's. Well three clams and two dragonets later..
. Its all about researching and effort to make our little friends strive!!
BTW, since my wife is home w/ bed rest I have been able to concentrate on tanks. The 14 is now separate from the 29 and some new additions to both. The 14 now houses a Midas Blenny, I call him Bob!! I'll post some pics soon!!


Subie the first pic looks like baby godzilla....
What a character he must be, looks like he could bring a smile to anyones face!!