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That's because Mike Joy's been doing this for 30 years and knows how to control his co-hosts (Mac and DW). Squinty eyes or whatever the TNT/ESPN guy is that does it is a hack. I do prefer Kyle to DW's antics tho, and getting to see Lindsay Czarniak is nice
. Only if Fox would limit all their technical difficults. Every race, a camera dies, or the sound goofs, or the reporter is MIA, multiple times.
I'm probably biased, but it seemed like EVERY time their was a wreck or something happened TNT was shooting something else, and you'd have to wait and wait till they could show a replay and even then, it would be off centered or just a bad spot. The Fox camera people are just soo much better, Petty was a good addition, but I get ticked off that he isn't driving, I wonder how much that EATS him up...
To me what attacts me to fox more than anything else is they are just as giddy about the race as I am, they love it, the ABC and TNT get just too "professional" when I watch fox I feel like I'm watching the race with buddies and they love racing as much as I do.