
I think with the second set of clowns in the 225, you should be okay, especially if this new pair already has a hosting anemone, then it really should be fine. The PJ will probably get beat on my the pair. I have three in my 155, but they were all added together, so they get along, but I've heard that pairs don't except a new single (sort of like clowns).
If you're running carbon in the 225 (which I am fairly sure you are), I think the anemones will be fine as long as they don't move all over the place.
I think it's a great deal.
Time for hubby to have his own tank!


OMG...LOL...I am kind of excited....imagine that my head, I have decided to trade the clowns to my notsolfs...I have 5 between 3 tanks, so I will save the space for something different
I think I will add the single pajama cardinal to the 54G....because I DO NOT KNOW if the 2 I have in the 225G will accept a third wheel, and do not want to risk it...OR....I will add the pajama to the 28G...OPINIONS
I am ordering the 28G nano w/stand and cf lights YUP
Need one more opinion on the sand? fine or seaflor COME ON NOW.....HElp me out LOL
Rose BTA is DEFINITELY going in a certain spot in the 225G......will decide on the LTA after I see it


WELL I am home from work...called the answer :( SO now I am waiting for a call back so I can get directions and go see the stuff


Active Member
do you have rubbermaid tubs. Everything can be held in them until you decide what to do with it.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/383940/need-advice-on-offer/20#post_3361402
do you have rubbermaid tubs. Everything can be held in them until you decide what to do with it.

Yeah I do, I'm not getting the stuff tonight...I told her I wanted to see it....and probably get it next husband works this weekend and the next weekend too, I also want to make up some of my own fresh sw
and I plan on leaving the rock in the tubs to "watch" it......IF I get to see the tank tonight I am gonna take my camera LOL.....If I can I might take the ROSE BTA.....JIC she changes her mind HAHA


Yes! Sea horses!. I set up in my daughters room about 4-5 months ago. It is a 25 gallon tall. SWF has them on sale BOGO......LOL


Active Member
Really? My whole post disappeared? Sorry Louise, I can't deal with the errors on this site anymore. I'm tired of wasting my time as things often don't show up and that these errors have not been fixed. How many months now? Whatever internet/webpage people/company is managing this site.... y'all need a new one. Seriously.


I have good news and bad news AND PICTURES..LOL....the good news is everything is free......the BAD news is the rock is covered with green bubble algae and aptasia :(
BUT I am going to ask....WHAT DO I DO TO GET RID OF IT???? Tonight, I took the bubble coral (it was sad), the yellow polyps, red mushroom rock, brown paly rock, and a colt (or kenya)
AND the anemones are humongous!!!!!! I don;t know if they will work for me, so I MIGHT trade them both with my notsolfs for a smaller rose bta....have not worked that out with him yet
The corals are nice, BUT the rock is disastrous......I just looked at the bubble up close, and there are teeny green bubble algae all over the bottom...SO what do I do about that? The shrooms that re in her tank still, I can scrape off the rock....BUT WHAT DO I DO with the rock.....bleach? Boil it????
here are the pics from her tank



emeral crabs would have a field day on that! Or you could probably just hose it off!.....Maybe


OH...Does anyone know what the plant is??
OKAY...this is what I have done for the moment....I had some fresh SW made I filled up my 5G....the 5G has NO working light though, so I placed the light from an empty 16G over it
here they are.....until I get some advice what to do.....I could always buy a bunch of emeralds and toss them in...HAHA...BUT that will not help with al lthe otehr rock, and the aptasia :(



Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///forum/thread/383940/need-advice-on-offer/20#post_3361494
According to Cap'n Spankos algae i.d. thread it looks to be either Caulpera Taxifolia or Caulpera Sertularioides.
LOL....I have not had a chance to look anything up....I had to situate the few pieces I brought home, and make new water....I had to sue all the water for the corals that I had made up awaiting my skimmer arrival...LOL...The skimmer holds a few g's
ANY advice on what to do about the Bubble algae or aptasia???


Active Member
that green stuff is calipura and I had some in my tank. Its a fast grower so you wont need much. Its not really strong upright so I dont think it will make for good hitches for horses.
Are there things on the rocks that you want to keep alive?
Yes - then try your best with a brush and knife and critters
No - then put it in a container without water for a few days and let everything die. The cycle might take longer in the new tank, but this will give you time to decide what to do.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/383940/need-advice-on-offer/20#post_3361506
LOL....I have not had a chance to look anything up....I had to situate the few pieces I brought home, and make new water....I had to sue all the water for the corals that I had made up awaiting my skimmer arrival...LOL...The skimmer holds a few g's
ANY advice on what to do about the Bubble algae or aptasia???
You took the water to court? (ok, bad joke)
Can you quarantine all the rock for a while? I know my turbo snail and halloween crab ate all the bubble algae that was on a rock that I had purchased which had a xenia on it. Ofcorse it didn't happen over night. Also purchased a pep shrimp a while back and it desimated a couple of dozen aptasia that was in my tank.


I think the plant is Feather Caulerpa. (caulerpa taxifolia or sertularoides) My gut says taxifolia.
As for the rocks, I'd be leaving them in a rubbermaid with a powerhead and a couple emerald crabs. My honest opinion, see what the LFS will give you for it if it's dried vs cured. If he gives you a decent price for the dried, I'd just let it sit outside and keep the couple pieces that I wanted in a rubbermaid with emerald crabs and kill the aiptasia manually.
I had a thought about the clowns after I saw the picture: These guys look like they host, yours don't, maybe get rid of a pair of yours and keep these guys?
I love CaribSea fine aragonite. It's in all of my tanks.
I'd put the Cardinal in the new tank.
Since the bubble is in trouble anyways, I'd scrape off what I could out of the water and then throw it back in. Do you have any emerald crabs?


Active Member
Aww, you should have got two 30 gallon half moon tanks to make a circle tank side by side.


I called my NOTSOLFS guy and he said let the rock dry out.....I just don't know.....
YES, there are some things I want to save.....the shrooms definitely.....especially the green fuzzyish ones, the yellow polyps, and whatever I I will scrape I guess
I could buy like 15 emeralds and toss them in the 5g LOL......


OK...LOL....YES I can QT the rock.....I would need a lobster to eat the aptasia....some of it is REALLY BIG.....I can joes juice it....and I also finally found a package of pickling lime stuff
I'm gonna give the notsolfs whatever rock I don;t use......(well...for trade) the 2 clowns, and she has 2 damsels that I told her I DO NOT WANT...BUT, we will put them in a seperate container and my husband will take care of them HAHA
BTLD....I can't get rid of my clowns.....they are my babies :( those are some BIG anemones tough....LOL....If the BTA will fit where I thought of...I MIGHT try it
I think the PJ cardinal and the teeny yellow clown goby will be okay in the new tank too....I already have 2 firefish, and 2 black/white clown gobies from the 10G that will go in there too