
I wish I could make a room like that. My basement is the closest I have to anything like that, and I really need to get down there to move at least one 125 into my dads building. I know if I do he won't ever give it back, but I can't deal with moving all these tanks when we move. On the anemone deal, it is risky to place them in a tank with coral. Dad had a red carpet in a 225g. He had cleared a spot right up front out and luckily it rooted itself right there. The other coral in the tank had been in there a few years prior to the anemone insertion. It stayed put 2 years. One night it went on a walkabout and killed every coral in the tank. I remember him setting in front of the tank just stareing. Luckily he had fragged most of the coral and still had most of the frags themselves. It wasn't a complete loss but he had to of lost at least $5k worth of coral in that one night. He wouldn't talk to anyone for a few days and I suppose I wouldn't have either. He spot fed it the same schedule and nothing in the water parameters changed to cause the behavior. Honestly Im not sure there is anything that can be done to prevent them from going around on their own. You can keep it well fed and keep stable parameters; however if it wants to get up and move then its going to irregardless. Your tanks are truly beatiful though. Major kudos.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ http:///forum/thread/383940/need-advice-on-offer/80#post_3364605
OMG-I would take that rock, one piece at a time, and start scraping, picking that algea off, then put it in with the crabs, its a lot of bubble algea, lol.
I'm going to work on it some tomorrow.....tonight it was ...."find a place for everything" night HAHA
the rock is too beautiful to kill.....I have to save it....just look at the colors on it....


This is a small (VERY SMALL) sample of the aptasia I have to kill.....I will also start working on this tomorrow..Does anyone know how to mix up the pickling lime stuff????


I wish I could make a room like that. My basement is the closest I have to anything like that, and I really need to get down there to move at least one 125 into my dads building. I know if I do he won't ever give it back, but I can't deal with moving all these tanks when we move. On the anemone deal, it is risky to place them in a tank with coral. Dad had a red carpet in a 225g. He had cleared a spot right up front out and luckily it rooted itself right there. The other coral in the tank had been in there a few years prior to the anemone insertion. It stayed put 2 years. One night it went on a walkabout and killed every coral in the tank. I remember him setting in front of the tank just stareing. Luckily he had fragged most of the coral and still had most of the frags themselves. It wasn't a complete loss but he had to of lost at least $5k worth of coral in that one night. He wouldn't talk to anyone for a few days and I suppose I wouldn't have either. He spot fed it the same schedule and nothing in the water parameters changed to cause the behavior. Honestly Im not sure there is anything that can be done to prevent them from going around on their own. You can keep it well fed and keep stable parameters; however if it wants to get up and move then its going to irregardless. Your tanks are truly beatiful though. Major kudos.


Thanks.....You know.....I really was very hesitant to put this VERY LARGE BTA in my 225G.....BUT....there are always risks.....If I were to get up tomorrow and it roamed all over my corals....I would be very upset
I just pray it likes where we put it.....
as far as the LTA.....I was not planning on keeping it....BUT I had no where to really put the corner of my 54G is where it went....I HOPE it stays there too.....Depending on what it does the next week, will determine whether or not I keep it.....the lighting is not exactly what it needs, BUT sometimes they will do okay...."SOMETIMES"


SO, The LTA is doing great, seems to like the spot too
The BTA moved a little, but as long as it doesn't move anymore to the left I think it will be okay
The PJ Cardinal looked a little rough....torn fins and was in with the damsels in her is now in my 54G, and recovering nicely
I think I am going to get more emeralds to help out with the totes rock....I can always trade them later
I still have not decided what to do with the bubble has recovered nicely and ATM is in the 10G.....I have the yellow polyp rock and the mushroom rock along with a few miscellaneous pieces in the 28G now


Moderator are a few

a few pics of the BTA

The PJ Cardinal...Just hovering...LOL

AND the 28G with the miscellaneous pieces and the "guest" fish


Active Member
meowzer I love the pictures of your cat and his interactions with your hobby, you are so lucky to have a cool pet, this is how I feel about my two dogs always right there. Keep the pictures coming.


UPDATE....I have eliminated the gray tote...YAYYYYY....I have added clean rock to the 28G...some rock with a little gr. bubble to the clear tote and the 5G
Let me tell you this.....the emeralds are doing a great job!!!!!!!!!!! I have not had to do too much on my own....


OH YEAH...UPDATE (again) I see NO more green bubble algae....last night I found 2 teeny on a rock in the 5g and 1 in the tote....I treated them
I think it will be soon that they can be aquascaped into my 28G and 54G YAY


Active Member
That's great meowzer, I finished cleaning my live rock out of my 65 - the new stuff i put in at Christmas was covered in GBA - I could not believe it, my test kits showed pretty good number, I hope this new sump/fuge and skimmer does the trick for the new set up.