Need Aquascaping Suggestions

bang guy

I just rescaped my Bowfront. It looks like it's missing something to me. I'd like to get it right before the corals start to grow out. I need to put my Snails & stuff back in soon also.
Please post comments & suggestions.
Thank you!


Active Member
I like your setup. Its different than the normal wall that most people use, including me. IMO it will fill in nicely once you add your corals.


Hey Bang, it looks alright... but I FEEL what you mean. Did you consider making a higher point with rocks in the tank to help with the asthetics... or a larger gap between two of the rock formations? I know it'll take out some of the space you could use for corals, but it might give it a nice look. I'm no expert, just a suggestion.

bang guy


Originally posted by DJnSoCal
I'm no expert, just a suggestion.

All suggestions are appreciated! :jumping:


Active Member
it looks really good maybe make a higher point in the tank? and i agree w/ a larger space in between the rock formations, that's what i'm planning to do w/ my 180


Beautiful tank!

You could maybe make two "moutians" with a canyon going through the center. That might be neat.

bang guy

What if I added a large rock just right of center to make it less symetrical and give some height? Would that satisfy the need for a higher point?
The valley on the right is larger than it would appear. Once I get the snails back they'll clean up the area I circled and I think that will make it look a lot wider and longer. Should I remove the corals on the sand in front of it to make it look even wider?
Thank you everyone, this is really cool :D

bang guy


Originally posted by richfish
maybe if you move center piece of rock up more you could have a spot where the fish can go behind and stuff

There's a few inches back there for them to cruise through. Is that what you mean? There's a large cave under the center also. The center rock stack is basically hollow.

bang guy


Originally posted by daman
What type of look are you going for? brick wall effect?

LOL, just the opposite. What I had before was more from the fringe reef look. Now I'm going more for the mid-reef.

bang guy


Originally posted by daman
I would order 100 lbs of live rock. I like alot of lr in tanks. But not that it matter b./c you will just delete my post anyways.

I have over 400 pounds of rock left over.
Why would I delete your post?

bang guy


Originally posted by nicky1.8t
looks good bang, I like the purple monti, how bout a frag?

Do you mean this little guy? :) I just moved it up from the lagoon so I need to let it acclimate for a while. Perhaps we can set up a trade for the spring?


WOW AWSOME MONTI.... and BTW I like the valley it gives it a more natural ocean look!!!... keep it... and yes add some more LR at the tops ... more than just one peice that way you can get a natural rock formation going.. other than that LOVE THE TANK... looks great!

bang guy

Here's a pic of where the lights are. They're 250 watt HQI. 14,000K in the center and 10,000K on the ends. I think I should go to 14,000K on the ends too but not until I'm ready to swap bulbs.


I'm a big tunnel guy, so i would make a tunnel out of the right canyon. In doing so, it would raise a high point to the right. Just my .02...


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Should I remove the corals on the sand in front of it to make it look even wider?

That is what I was thinking. Take out some of the rock on the bottom in the center of the tank. Especially with a bow front this might eccentuate(sp) the look of the bow front.