Need Aquascaping Suggestions


Staff member
Ok, I've played around with diagrams too, but unless you do it to scale the aquascape on paper just isn't going to work. You need to draw a tank to scale then work the rock in.


Active Member
Here are some pix of my old 75 just to give you ideas. None of my rocks are touching glass and none are glued together


i am impressed with the tank.. but more impressed that someone so experienced would ask for suggestions.


Ya know Guy, I just wanted to say that you're a GOD amongst we mere mortals....WOW! GREAT tank!!!


but more impressed that someone so experienced would ask for suggestions.
Me glad to see that ur not just a SWT God
but and good bloke aswell.
Btw i liked the large flat rock along the back gave some texture to the back ground.
excellent work...yet another example of wat i would like to achieve

bang guy


Originally posted by cincyreefer
IMO, the aquascape all depends on the flow in the tank. Is this still going to be a mixed reef?

Yep, it will be very mixed. LPS on the Left, hardy SPS (Monti, etc.) in the middle, some softies on the right, and moshrooms, ricordea, Zoa scattered around the lower parts. The only SPS I will kepp are those that have been proven to live in my lagoon mixed with leather corals. No delicate SPS that can't handle the growth supressors produced by the softies.
Flow will be customized after the rock structure is finalized. Part B of this project is removing the powerheads and running spray bars on a closed loop under the two support braces at the top.

bang guy

I think that big rock in back is too big. Unfortunate because it weighs about 40 pounds and was a pain to get it in there. I think I want either some type of spire to grow Montipora 360 degrees around, or a couple smaller rocks that make a cliff along the valley.
Please keep the ideas coming. This is really working out well.
I like the valleys and perhaps one of the valleys needs a Squamosa or Derasa in there. I'm hoping that the center will grow into a Montipora forrest with Greens, Oranges, Browns, and Purples both Digitata and Capricornus.


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
Yep, it will be very mixed. LPS on the Left, hardy SPS (Monti, etc.) in the middle, some softies on the right, and moshrooms, ricordea, Zoa scattered around the lower parts.
Flow will be customized after the rock structure is finalized. Part B of this project is removing the powerheads and running spray bars on a closed loop under the two support braces at the top.

Cool... sounds like it should be nice. I wasn't sure if flow was set or not, but makes it much easier if its not.
I would think it would be cool if you had a large middle section with a lower portion in the front to mount all your caps on 3 sides of the rocks, and then in the middle of the tank start sloping up to the back wall. All the digitata will grow above/behind the caps on the slope up and then possibly having your main show piece on the pinnacle of that "pyramid" type structure.
Then have decent valleys on either side to put a bunch of clams and then pile up the rock near the corners for the lps and softies. Keep the rock low on the right side so you can grow some large softies that can reach up for the light.


I think it would look really cool to have like a big mountain in the back corner and have it slope down and then hav ethe same thing that you have in teh center but moved over a lttle bit.

bang guy


Originally posted by Scotts
BTW do you have a close up on these zoos? Also I assume they will make it into the display tank. I don't see them in there right now.



Active Member
Bang, I am utterly speechless. Those zoos are just completely beautiful! :yes: :joy: :yes:


Active Member
I have one suggestion for you, but it's not directly related to the topic of the thread.
Sometimes when I've spent too much time rearranging rocks, it all becomes frustrating and I end up running out of ideas and patience. Best thing to do is set up in a certain way and leave it for the day, wake up next day and pretend you've never seen that tank and go stand and observe it, and try to see where changes are needed. Because after rearranging for a few hours, it all ends up looking the same.
You just get fresh new ideas when you leave it for the day and go back the next morning.
And as far as the tank setup, just avoid any symmertry. I'm going to setup my next big tank so that there's lots of overhangs (maybe to keep sponges under them) and bridges and sort of 3 dimensional mazes for the fish to swim through.

bang guy

After waiting a week I'm pretty sure the big rock must be replaced by a spire of some type. I also want a rock stack in the corners. I'm really liking how the rest turned out. This thread was really really helpful.