Need help with Condi


High I am new to this message board,but anyway my question is I just bought a Condi anemone and it pulled all of it's tentacles inside of it and sat there looking like a button.Is this normal I fed it a piece of krill and it ate it my nitrite and nitrate levels are high i am just wondering if it is dying?


my ammonia level is at .25
my ph is at 8.2
my nitrite are at 1.0
my nitrate is at 80
but my condi seems to be doing fine he ate some krill his tentacles came back out and he is swaying in the current.Please advise


i have a condi and he does that all the time. almost every night. he will turn into a button then pop back out.
im still new at this but it seems as if your tnak isnt fully cycled yet


no I am to eagar to have a saltwater tank I never let it fully cycle.I am paying the price for it now i already lost one vercumulated angel fish


Sometimes it takes a little while for the clowns to host, but you probably won't have to worry about it if you added everything to an uncycled tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fumanchu88
my ammonia level is at .25
my ph is at 8.2
my nitrite are at 1.0
my nitrate is at 80
but my condi seems to be doing fine he ate some krill his tentacles came back out and he is swaying in the current.Please advise
Those water perameters are very unaceptable for a Anemone!


i had half cycled water i have live sand on the bottom and lots of fuji LR plus i have chaeto broadleaf and some other fern type plant and it has been cycling for a week now


Originally Posted by fumanchu88
all his tentacles are full,they all have pink tips on them,he is eating are these not good signs?
How long has it been in your tank?
Look at it this way....if you were poisoned slowly would you die instantaneously? Nope, you would die a slow horrible death...POOR FISH AND INVERTS!


As I have said before, it is easy to get excited over a new tank. We did. Now we know that patience is key! We had a condi once...only once. We didn't really like it and our clowns never took to it. They perfer the 2 white sebaes in the tank. But it took at least 2 years for our tank to be running right for an anenome. Have patience.


Active Member
I would be shocked if a clown took to a condi anenomie.. They are not found anywhere near where clowns are found. Although not entirly uncommon your chances are diminished alot..But there have been times where people have stated that their clowns have hosted a power head.
Bubble tips and carpets seem to be the fav. I have had 2 condis in the past. One would hide under the rocks and come out when the the lights came on. When he hid he was all shrivled up, and when he was out he was huge. Too big for my tank actually so I had to give him up. I got another and it was very happy too never hid though and then it ate one of my clowns so he was given back too. Condis IMO are more aggressive than most other common anenomies and their long tenticle make them worse. Now I have a bta and its awesome very cool addition.


Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Why do you have fish and anemonies in a tank that is still cycling? Where did you get your start-up advice?
from myself i am a do it yourselfer


Doing it all yourself is fun. but keep in mind that good LFS are there to help. In this hobby, there are many questions as we have found out, and we read up on it in books, internet and this meesage board, which is a recent find for us!


New Member
Im kind of new as well, but wouldnt it be a good idea to do a water change with his nitrate levels that high? I know its cycling, but it seems like that number is going to get bigger and bigger.


Originally Posted by MiaHeatLvr
Anybody else smell a troll?

I was thinking the exact thing earlier...nobody could be that ......