Need more experienced aquarists advice


New Member
Hi my name is sarah and I haven't even bought an aquarium because I have no clue where to start or what to start with. I have alot of Qs before I spend any$$$ on fish reefs corals tanks sand and rock. Hope someone out there can give me some info or direct me in the right direction.


Active Member
Welcome to the site! I would start with reading the recommended threads in the new hobbyist section. It has a lot of great info there. Then, if you decide you want to start a tank get a good book or two. I recommend the conscientious marine aquarist and marine fishes.

bang guy

First, set a firm budget.
Second, review pictures of aquariums that excite you. Then, ask the owner detailed questions.
Keep this up until you find a setup that meets your budget and your wishes.


WELCOME TO SWF......I'm in the process of setting up YET ANOTHER aquarium......literally..right now LOL
read the top threads in the new hobbyist sectio nas already mentioned.....and read a lot of existing threads......You learn a lot thru our mistakes.....and our triumphs


New Member
What size of tank do you suggest for a beginner? What types of corals, reefs,and fish can be put in the same tank? Do you have to have just a coral tank, reef tank, or fish tank?Do you hve to be careful to put venomous fish with non venomous fish, of can you even put them in the same tank?


New Member
What types of fish would you suggest to a beginner? How would you set up a budget? How much should a beginners budget be?


Active Member
Originally Posted by angelfish86 http:///forum/thread/384078/need-more-experienced-aquarists-advice#post_3363512
What size of tank do you suggest for a beginner? What types of corals, reefs,and fish can be put in the same tank? Do you have to have just a coral tank, reef tank, or fish tank?Do you hve to be careful to put venomous fish with non venomous fish, of can you even put them in the same tank?
1) As large as you reasonably can go. I would start with a 75 gallon or 90 gallon, and would recommend staying away from a 55 (on the narrow side). 2) This question is way too broad to answer since it depends on a couple of different factors. I would look at some pictures of tanks, fish, and coral. Then, pick a couple of must have items and develop a stock list from there. 3) A reef tank refers to a tank with corals and fish. Fish Only With Live Rock (FOWLR) refers to a tank with just fish and live rock. Some people have tanks with just coral frags to either sell or grow out for their DT (display tank). 4) Some venomous and non-venomous fish can be housed together, but that depends on compatibility. The aquarist has to take precautions when performing maintenance or even feeding the tank as the fish can be venomous to them as well.
Originally Posted by angelfish86
What types of fish would you suggest to a beginner? How would you set up a budget? How much should a beginners budget be?
1) I do not suggest damsels. The types of fish depends on what you want for your overall tank. 2) I would look at how much I am reasonably willing to spend each month to get the tank going. A lot of money is spent in the first year getting the proper equipment. Do not go the cheap route because ultimately in the end you will end up spending double the amount had you done the research and bought the proper equipment. 4) This depends on the owner of the tank and how much they can reasonably afford. I spent close $3,000 on my tank in the first year, and I have a 55 gallon.


Read Read Read and do as much research as you can!! Google is your best friend, this website is a great place for advice but you have to do your homework first.
I have had a drilled 29G with homemade fuge and a deep sand bed for the past few years (my first SW tank). I just recently priced out a new 65 gallon setup for myself. I did it in excel and tried to be as realistic as possible. Keep in mind that I have a lot of existing equipment laying around and also in my current setup to use in the new one (pumps, power heads, plumbing parts, heaters, sand and live rock.) I am also using an old 55 gallon tank i already have as my sump and all of the lighting/plumbing is going to be DIY.




65 Gallon Reef Ready

48 x 18 x 17



48 x 18 x 30










48'' Fixture




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Sunlight Supply Dual ballast




Reef Octopus Protein Skimmer

br />

6" Recirculating




Sand/Live Rock

Fiji Mud


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Sand/live rock






Thats all before you buy your first fishy.
Kind of hurts when you look at the final total, but well worth it in the end. It's all about baby steps...