

Active Member
If he asked you not to drive on the right of way grass you should have made sure your daughter's BF respected his wishes. While it is not his property if he takes the time to make it look nice you should respect that.
Putting the stakes up was a little over the top unless his requests that the grass not be driven on were repeatedly ignored. I would try to burry the hatchet with the guy, both sides have over reacted from the sound of it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
If he asked you not to drive on the right of way grass you should have made sure your daughter's BF respected his wishes. While it is not his property if he takes the time to make it look nice you should respect that.
Putting the stakes up was a little over the top unless his requests that the grass not be driven on were repeatedly ignored. I would try to bury the hatchet with the guy, both sides have over reacted from the sound of it.

Is the "right-of-way" issue not being allowed to park on the street, so you have to park on the grass in a yard? It seems odd that it's not the property owners yard, with a public utility easement. What happens if you don't take care of the grass, will the City do it?


Active Member
man who cares. i had a neighbor like that and what me and my did was invite our friends over every night and play basketball right outside our house. cars cars cars everyyyyywhere. one of our friends was a cop and our neighbor couldnt really say squat. your hard earned money, time and sweat went into your home.

him let him be pissed, and you live your life the way u have been living it before u met him. to the dude who said 3 cars is trashy? we have 5 cars outside my families $750K house, one of which that has been in an accident. no one has ever said anything to us. infact our neighbors compliment on how nice our house is. 15 years in this house, 15 years in this neighborhood, nobody gives us any problems.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1

Is the "right-of-way" issue not being allowed to park on the street, so you have to park on the grass in a yard? It seems odd that it's not the property owners yard, with a public utility easement. What happens if you don't take care of the grass, will the City do it?
Likely the same rules everywhere. If you have a sidewalk that runs in front of your house with the grass the other side of it along the curb (Boulevard) you are responsible for the upkeep even though it is city property. Same rules with shoveling snow off the side walks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
If he asked you not to drive on the right of way grass you should have made sure your daughter's BF respected his wishes. While it is not his property if he takes the time to make it look nice you should respect that.
Putting the stakes up was a little over the top unless his requests that the grass not be driven on were repeatedly ignored. I would try to burry the hatchet with the guy, both sides have over reacted from the sound of it.
It is a friggen ditch! This is no lawn, the grass dies and is muddy when it rains it is florida. Crawfish make giant mounds. IT is a ditch, this isn't a manicured portion of his lawn.


Active Member

Originally Posted by reefraff
Likely the same rules everywhere. If you have a sidewalk that runs in front of your house with the grass the other side of it along the curb
(Boulevard) you are responsible for the upkeep even though it is city property
. Same rules with shoveling snow off the side walks.
Here is it almost like that except, you own all the property on both sides of a sidewalk, except the actual sidewalk (easement) and you do have to keep it clear...
No cars blocking it in your driveway, not tree limbs (need to be trimmed), and yes, snow shovel.


Originally Posted by MaryG
I have a 21 foot bass boat (my husband does FLW tournaments and won't leave his baby anywhere else) .
I don't blame him!
I barely let mine out of my site, they cost more than most new cars.
Thank god I live in the country


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
It is a friggen ditch! This is no lawn, the grass dies and is muddy when it rains it is florida. Crawfish make giant mounds. IT is a ditch, this isn't a manicured portion of his lawn.
Picture shows different. My place in Montana had the ditch too. I rockscapped mine but several neighbors did sod theirs to make it part of their yard and kept it mowed. Looked really nice. Just because its a friggin ditch doesn't mean it can't look nice.


Originally Posted by MaryG
Maybe I should just give him my extra 29 gallon SW tank! Lol..
No dont do that! I still plan on getting it! My parents are old and slow and still need to "decide" haha.
When I come down in Jan or Feb, Ill come shromp his yard in my truck. Maybe even take out a statue) You can just say, "Gee, I have no idea who that Girlina4x4 was...."


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Picture shows different. My place in Montana had the ditch too. I rockscapped mine but several neighbors did sod theirs to make it part of their yard and kept it mowed. Looked really nice. Just because its a friggin ditch doesn't mean it can't look nice.
You've talking montana vs a place that gets 80-100 inches of rain a year. There is a difference...


Originally Posted by Girlina4x4
No dont do that! I still plan on getting it! My parents are old and slow and still need to "decide" haha.
When I come down in Jan or Feb, Ill come shromp his yard in my truck. Maybe even take out a statue) You can just say, "Gee, I have no idea who that Girlina4x4 was...."

Girl you are too funny! I think all OUR trucks and boat and stuff bother him. They must not drive those monsterous things in NY. Lol...


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Mary do you think you could run back out there and get a front side shot of that 3rd picture.

I tried to get a pic of the front of that statue but it is hard to get a shot through "Parrot Jungle". Lol..



Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You've talking montana vs a place that gets 80-100 inches of rain a year. There is a difference...
No difference at all. Look at the pics. We are talking the area beyond the ditch up against the street

veni vidi vici

Active Member
HEHE cool are we arguing if this is a ditch or a drainage swale.I say its a drainage swale with Florida saw grass thats almost impossible to kill .


Active Member
Originally Posted by MaryG
I tried to get a pic of the front of that statue but it is hard to get a shot through "Parrot Jungle". Lol..
I thought you said he had 3 Cadillacs. I only see that Silver CTS and the Red Impala.

Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici

HEHE cool are we arguing if this is a ditch or a drainage swale.I say its a drainage swale with Florida saw grass thats almost impossible to kill .
I'm pretty sure they both acheive the same thing, a place for rainwater to gather off the roadway. SoFlo grass is pretty tough. It can be completely submerged for a couple days and it acts like nothing happened.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I thought you said he had 3 Cadillacs. I only see that Silver CTS and the Red Impala.

My bad it is an Impala and 2 Cadillacs. One is the wifes work vehicle. She works for the IRS and this is her company car. Nice huh? That is what our tax money goes to. And she has to comute to West Palm Beach 60miles each way. They should of got her a VW or a Focus or something. Lol..
I'm pretty sure they both acheive the same thing, a place for rainwater to gather off the roadway. SoFlo grass is pretty tough. It can be completely submerged for a couple days and it acts like nothing happened.
It is considered here a "swale". He has St. Augustine grass and we have Bahia. You have to be pretty bad to kill Bahia. That stuff never dies it is drought resisitent. But the St. Augustine is pretty tough too but needs constant watering.