

New Member
:happy: i spend most of my time going to aquariums and looking for fish. The most common word i ever hear is- oh mummy look its nemo -its a very good movie to watch but it has erased the word clownfish from the childerens minds. loOlz


Active Member
Hey folks,
I don't care how many ***###***$(- symbols you use to cover it, it doesn't help....Please watch the language.


Hey, I agree that kids need to know the "science" behind the animals and not just the cartoon version. But on a happy note, it was my son's love of "Nemo" that go me started in this hobby. I am now happily obsessed with saltwater fish.
And I do apologize, I am one of those moms who took their kid to an aquarium and said, "Look at Nemo." Cut us moms some slack, my son isn't even three years old yet. Nemo is much easier to remember and pronounce for him. He's happy and so am I! When he's older, I hope he'll be interested in caring for and learning about marine life too. Until then our future fish will have the names "Nemo," "Dory" and "Marlin."


Originally Posted by Vicodin
Yea... I'm serious, douchebag. The sole reason I got my tank is to do sick and twisted things to living animals.... Switch to decaf.....
Seriously though, I love animals and fish. I dissaprove of killing anything so much so that I feel almost bad about kill the aptaisia that's taking over my tank. Almost. just like calling you a

bag I almost feel sorry. It's good though that their are people like us to protect animals that can't protect themselves. Even though we promote a hobby that is somewhat destructive to our oceans wildlife.
and to the post right above, do you enjoy teaching your kids the wrong things. it's not much harder to teach them clown fish. your kids ever heard of a clown?


Wow, this issue is a sore spot for you. I'm am a certified teacher and I understand how to educate children properly. But, I also know that if a child learns to appreciate something, even it is based on a cartoon, then it is worthwhile. My child knows Bambi is a deer, Simba is a lion and Nemo is a clownfish. So what does it hurt if he yells out Nemo when he sees a clownfish? He is excited to see something in real life that he loves in the movie! :yes:


Active Member
see it doesn't help that you have the dogface in there with him because i would suggest starfish, but the dogface is notorious for eating starfish. so the only thing you could do is get out an algae scrape pad and scrub it by hand. otherwise get rid of the puffers. you have enough fish as it is so that option is out too.
Guineawhop -
In this thread you called a seastar [Echinodermata:Asteroidea] a "starfish." Just an FYI, it is not a fish. This name is wrong and misleading to adults and children.



Originally Posted by ophiura
Guineawhop -
In this thread you called a seastar [Echinodermata:Asteroidea] a "starfish." Just an FYI, it is not a fish. This name is wrong and misleading to adults and children.

LOL...for the most part i'm just causin trouble to keep the thread going cause i think this thread is funny, but it does truthfully annoy me when i hear little kids saying nemo all day long.


Active Member
i have two " nemo's " and there names are Tammy and Patty, and they love to play in my nano tank.


Active Member
The problem with the finding Nemo movie wasn't the public's outcry of affection and attention to marine life.
The problem was greedy companies like Tetra and numerous pet stores preying on the uneducated public.
If we want to help preserve the wild reefs we have to take every opportunity to educate people around us. Instead of "smacking" kids etc. we need to teach them. How hard is it to say "Nemo's a clownfish. His home in the ocean is under attack by..."


ok, so are we all agreed that we shouldnt be psycopaths and smack kids but teach them, right? and that we who know better shouldnt call them nemo, but for people who never knew about clown fish before, and to stop swaring so the admin wont get PO'ed

never realized this thread would be more than 70 replies, i would have thought people would think im weird 4 complaining about it


Active Member
DOH!!!! What, its been like 3 days since this thread was replied to? I say, scubataibi, that you posted again ON PURPOSE to force the thread to resurface


Originally Posted by ophiura
DOH!!!! What, its been like 3 days since this thread was replied to? I say, scubataibi, that you posted again ON PURPOSE to force the thread to resurface

Hey, you gave him the courtesy of a reply to his last comment, so who is keeping it alive?

nemo lover

Hence my name From the movie. Yes I have kids who love Finding nemo. I dont mind the cartoon either. After watching the movie my daughter started asking me more, and more questions about our saltwater tank. She is now at the age where she knows alot of different terminalogy used in saltwater reefs. Thier children! They only know what they see and from what you teach them. If you gave a kid a book about a doberman named spike. This kid is walking down the street and sees a doberman who looked like spike there first instink is spike or look that dog looks like spike.( younger children that is) and disney movies are targeted at younger children, if you own the dvd it in its own way is educational for kids they do have an underwater tour, and a dictonary type thing where you click on animals and it tell you about them.