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Originally Posted by Eric B 125
hows the shrimp grow box working out?
i dont think im ever going to go hardware special order. lfs is too slow. i still havent gotten it. but there is tons of teeming life all over the tank, and scurrying across its rocks. both sump and above. from now on hard ware will be online only. but live fish its cool to watch them at the store for a week or 2.
Originally Posted by jchase1970
Can you post a pic of your new overflows. I'm getting ready to drill mine in my tank and was thinking about using your overflow bar idea. But I see you have abandoned that idea. I am mounting my tank in the center of a wall so it is half in 2 rooms and need a overflow idea that I can mount in the center of the sides. Anybody with ideas or link to other projects please share.
all i have on that is two temp pieces that will stall a while for me to get my custom box.The temp consists of 2 pvc standpipes that are capped and drilled. it requires daily attention, but it is definitely a stop gap till i get the 6x9's.
im glad my lessons helped you. The next time i do a custom overflow it will be built into the foam itself but that requires you to have the whole tank in place permanently, and that is out of my scale for at least 3 years.
i cant wait till i get my degree done. i just got a "B" in my final algebra class. i wasn't looking forward to math, but ill take a hit to my GPA and get a B. I can go back to A's now that math is over.
hows the shrimp grow box working out?
i dont think im ever going to go hardware special order. lfs is too slow. i still havent gotten it. but there is tons of teeming life all over the tank, and scurrying across its rocks. both sump and above. from now on hard ware will be online only. but live fish its cool to watch them at the store for a week or 2.
Originally Posted by jchase1970
Can you post a pic of your new overflows. I'm getting ready to drill mine in my tank and was thinking about using your overflow bar idea. But I see you have abandoned that idea. I am mounting my tank in the center of a wall so it is half in 2 rooms and need a overflow idea that I can mount in the center of the sides. Anybody with ideas or link to other projects please share.
all i have on that is two temp pieces that will stall a while for me to get my custom box.The temp consists of 2 pvc standpipes that are capped and drilled. it requires daily attention, but it is definitely a stop gap till i get the 6x9's.
im glad my lessons helped you. The next time i do a custom overflow it will be built into the foam itself but that requires you to have the whole tank in place permanently, and that is out of my scale for at least 3 years.