New 125g three view room divider



maybe you can build this to hide your plumbing. Use of heavy dudy magnets.
Black plexiglass. On the ends mount the magents. Then inside of your cabnet another set, same idea of a magfloat. It would hide your plumbing and you could take it out easy for cleaning. Here I made a drawing for you. I crop your tank and pasted it to show you how it would look.


lazy k

Thanks Bonita69. I like the concept alot! I think I'm going to use it. I moved my fish to an established 75g last night, the new tank is still cycling. I'll post more pics as soon as I have more to share.


your very welcome glad I helped. But if you use it post pics I would love to see how it turned out.

jimmy 4

Magnets in a tank is a terrible idea. They have iron in them (Fe2O4). Iron plus saltwater = RUST or excess iron oxide in your tank. Maybe im wrong but i doubt that i am.


Originally Posted by Jimmy 4
Magnets in a tank is a terrible idea. They have iron in them (Fe2O4). Iron plus saltwater = RUST or excess iron oxide in your tank. Maybe im wrong but i doubt that i am.
what do you think a magfloat is?


Active Member
Great job, and a wonderful stock list, I wouldn't add anymore though, they have a lot of growing to do.


Active Member
An eel would be cool in there , but I don't think they are safe with the triggers.. Maybe a Harlequin Tusk...

I guess my only advise would be to perhaps add a Skimmer... It doesn't look like you have one... and I think it would benefit the tank.

lazy k

UPS delivered my new AquaC 180 Skimmer and Mag 7 pump last night. Can't wait to get busy plumbing it in.

jimmy 4

Originally Posted by buckeyereefer
jimmy4 you use ceramic coated or epoxy coated magnets. then no problems. i could be wrong but probably not. lol
Youll be fine so long as the coating doesnt fail. And bonita i know a mag float is a magnet.... that is why i dont leave it in my tank like most people. Im just paranoid i guess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lazy K
UPS delivered my new AquaC 180 Skimmer and Mag 7 pump last night. Can't wait to get busy plumbing it in.
Great skimmer, I just got the 240 EV and am very impressed at the ease of use, and skimming ability....Are you going to run it in a sump or externally?

lazy k

I'm building a custom sump for the skimmer. I have it temporarily hooked up externally right now and I am impressed with it so far. Can't wait to get it hidden away in the pump cabinet.


I never thought to do a slotted hood, but i can imagine that would be really good for getting heat out of the canopy! really cool idea, makes it possible to view it from more angles.