New 125g three view room divider


Active Member
Those lights look perfect. What kind are they? Perfect amount of blue and brightness IMO


Active Member
awesome tank!!! doesnt seem like there is alot of flow just bassed on the corals not really moving around in the videos. could be wrong tho. what are you using for flow?

lazy k

The lighting is Coralife Aqualight - Deluxe Series-Double linear strip. I'm using a 48 inch and 24 inch unit. Both units have 2 each 65 watt true actinic 03 blue and 2 each 65 watt 10,000K daylight straight pin compact flourescent lamps. They also have independant switches so I can run the actinics and 10,00K's together or seperately. They have been trouble free since I set this system up.

lazy k

I'm using an Iwaki (Japanese) external pump with a nuclear carbon filter (14 pounds of charcoal) and a canister filter for a total of about 1,800 GPH in a closed system. I'm considering adding another Iwaki.