new 180 in the works


Just picke dup my stealth heaters and the refractometer. Would two Maxi-Jet 1200s be enough for a 180g? If not, what kind of flow/PH's would you recommend?


Active Member
I have a closed loop witha mag 7 and two maxi jet mods in mine....also have a powersweep down behind the rocks.
I have right at 7500gph flow in mine
If you want to do the maxijet is very easy to do and alot cheaper than a tunze to get...


Ok, you're gonna have to help me out here:
'Closed loop' with a Mag 7 (pump)?
Where can i get info for MJ mods?


Active Member
search closed loop on here or go to
mag 7 is the pump I have running the closed loop with a scwd (switching current water director)
a powersweep is a brand of powerhead that I was stupid enuf to buy a long time ago thinking it may actually they just lay behind my rocks.
Google "mj mods" and you will get all the info you need. it turns a maxijet into a stream pump with roughly 2400gph output instead of the factory rated 295


I love the rock formation... especially the setup on the far left. I can tell you put alot of planning into it visually along with the hardware.


Active Member
gmidd...the left side is my favorite too...the middle is knida unchangeable cause that one rock in the middle on the bottom wieghs 56 lbs. I have a few new pics i put up on monday where i re-did the right side a little bit to hide the maxi stream pump.....thanks for the compliment


OMG..your tank is soooo beautiful!!!! I hope that my tank looks like that one of these days. GREAT JOB!!!


Active Member
thanks AGB1...countless bud lights lost thier lives during the making of this tank. So, next time you pop the top on a cold one, share a thought for all is predecessors that died so I could have this piece of ocean in my home....


Would T5's (6x80w) be good for a 180g? I remember you posting somewhere nice lights for cheaper than I would be paying for the T5's ($650)


Active Member
Hey. Jon about your sump.. Im trying to figure out what to divide it with.. I hear you used eggcrate and nylon screens.. What does that look like.. The nylon i know what egg crate is.. Thanks


Active Member
nylon window screen from lowes....$3.99 for 20 ft x36"
I wrapped it around the eggcrate twice and zip tied it on. catches all of the debris and then I rinse it off about once a month


the reef ready tank im buying, picture below, has the overflows with those black spout things (forgot what they are called. Does those add flow to a tank? If so, how much would you guess? Id assume i should still get the 2-900MJ mods?



Active Member
those are the return lines form your sump which will give you either 1200 ro 1800 gph return depending on which return pump and drain hole size.
IMO----You still need at least two 900 mods...


so the blue overflow boxes are for returns? Meaning I will be plumbing two return lines with a t-valve? I had planned on using a Mag 18 return pump.


Active Member
wow joncat your tank looks really good and it looks like you did it right. never go the easy way out!
keep up the good work


Active Member
thanks patrick....tank has been up now for 6 months and it seems like every day I get a new idea or come up with some kind of project for it.
I think my next project is going to be to try to catch my flame angel, I had some awesome brains in there and now I have to keep them in my 20 gallon cause of him.....His ass is on the way out, if I can catch him without taking all the rock out.....LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by dskrezyna
so the blue overflow boxes are for returns? Meaning I will be plumbing two return lines with a t-valve? I had planned on using a Mag 18 return pump.
yes and I would put a ball valve before the "t" so you can regulate the flow if needed


Originally Posted by joncat24
those are the return lines form your sump which will give you either 1200 ro 1800 gph return depending on which return pump and drain hole size. IMO----You still need at least two 900 mods...
Based on your message above and this one I found... "man these things are wicked. I did 2 1200's for my 180 and I think it is too much flow.."
What would you suggest for my 180g, 2-1200mj mods or 3or4 -900mj mods?