Thanks for the comments guys- i love getting feedback about something i work so hard on-
Ty- The bare bottom is awesome- it is realy east to keep detritus away with it- im going to frag some GSP and some of my zoanthids and allow them to act as a cover for the bottom- in a couple of years it should be covered- it will be killer
Mr Tuna- glad you like the rock formations- i like having some cool spots in the design- perfect for coral placment too.
NM- its a lot of light true- but there is not a dark spot in the thing- once my mangrove grows a bit im going to have a few branches that droop close to the water- and i plan to grow some zoanthids on the roots- man i cant wait- honestly the color in real life is perfect- it brings out color well- but dosent make the whole tank look blue- in contrast to the blue pictures- also i know that the XMs say that after about 100hrs of burn time it reaches its best color- i am so pumped about the new look- i already added a pink fungia there on the bottom and i plan to get a few really colorful SPS to add to the collection- my tank is almost complete