New 240 Tank Diary


Love the enthusiasm! By the way I thought I would point out that the article does talk about the use of caribsea reef rocks...I just placed 5 boxes of this stuff in the tank, good bang for the buck for base rock and can be a good mix in w/DIY rock. Lot easier than full DIY and I think this site sell's it also.
I am going to take some more pics this afternoon of my weekend progress on the plumbing and such. I'm having issues with a return bulkhead leaking in my overflow so I ordered new ones to replace it today, so I can't run the tank until it comes in
. Of course I had to add some other stuff to the order.....a new coralife 36w UV, a new heater, a resovoir for my RO system, and an aqua lifter pump. I'm going to make an algea scrubber for the tank, have seen some cool designs on here but I have come up with my own design to address some of the problems I have been reading about...he,he,he. Will post when I get going on it. I also set up my trial fuge lights using LED panels. We will see how these work before I invest in a big system for the tank. I also got the electrical and water line run. Dang plumbing is about to make me scream though.


here is the weekend pics for my sumps plumbing so far. Having a leak in the BH so that is why the one return line is not attached, gotta love plumbing. The lights are the new LEDs single color I'm trying out for the fuge before I try a full tank set.



Vry cool set up, building em & and watching them grow into a true reef is a big rush for me!


excellent article, im gonna start my batch this weekend...
Originally Posted by clsimons29
Thanks, here is the link I found:
great page of information is fairly lengthy but is a good read and has pictures.
Thanks, I will add fans as needed once I move the lights. I am planning on moving to a solaris system in the near future so I will probably not make any cutouts in the canopy. I have a clip on fan if I need it.


haven't posted in awhile, I have been fighting the plumbing battle to get things just the way I want them, got the skimmer hooked up yesterday and we have no leaks so the tank is running. Will be working on the auto top off this weekend and may start moving in lights and such. Tank is in process of cycling now. Thought I would post an algea scrubber design I came up with that I am in contact w/ a company to begin fabrication.
The basic design is a +-3.5 gallon surge tank that water is pumped into via 3/4" pvc and once it fills up water will be siphoned from the tank using 1" PVC. The water will then surge to the main scrub tank and filter down over the screen material. I have designed the scrub tank using mirrored plexi-glass in all parts except the cover for the light boxes. This should help achieve good coverage of light all over the screen and getting max output from the bulbs. There will be 5 light boxes in all that are on the outside of the scrub tank and will use 60W CFL bulbs. The inside of the boxes are mirrored to get good light difusion. Water will gravity feed back to the sump. I plan on encasing the two tanks in a wood box w/hinged access doors on the front and back.
Sorry picture is small but limited on post size. Tell me what you think.


clsimons29 We are in need of updated pics? Some of us are watching this thread with interest and anticipation!


Originally Posted by Dennis210
clsimons29 We are in need of updated pics? Some of us are watching this thread with interest and anticipation!
I will try to get down to the clinic and get some pics today or tommorow. Was out of town yesterday trying to get me wife off of federal jury duty and I'm leaving again today for a meeting.
I got my lights moved over this weekend, got part of the background in, set up some internal pumps in, and put in 4 new blue/green chromis, my pacific sailfin, a dartfish, and most of the rock from my existing tank and a little bit of coral. Starting to look good but will still take a lot of adjustments.


Still lots of work to be done but here it is so far. Got part of the rock background in and am still deciding if I like it or not.



Wow! That looks awesome! Couple questions regarding your Sailfin:
How long have you had him?
About how big is he?
Thanks! The tank looks very well done. I like the rock background, too. It looks kinda like the tank features the bottom of a canyon.


Originally Posted by Arlene1995
Wow! That looks awesome! Couple questions regarding your Sailfin:
How long have you had him? +-2.5 years
About how big is he? 6"-8" appox would be my best guess
Thanks! The tank looks very well done. I like the rock background, too. It looks kinda like the tank features the bottom of a canyon.

sorry got the answer in the quote: he is 6"-8" appox would be my best guess.
Thanks, will be moving some more in this afternoon.


I will try to get some new pics at lunch. I got my old tank drained and everything out and in the new tank last night, took a long time. Didn't want to move everything this fast but old tank was destabilized and felt I was better off getting them into the new tank. So here is what is in the new tank as of now.
+-380lbs LR
Pacific Sailfin Tang -show
Blue Hippo Tang - show
Powder Blue Tang - show
6 line wrasse
mandrin dragonet
several blue/green chromis
red dawrf angel
red dart fish
green brittle star
20 blue leg hermits
25 turbos/other
1 large Mexican turbo, small fist size
greeen eye zoos
hairy mushrooms
galaxay coral
pulsing xenia
Also added cheato and red algea plants to my fuge.