New 40 gal tank, which fish to put in?

Originally Posted by mboswell1982
you havent had yours very long either LOL it'll happen, they'll show up, eventually LOL
Can I go one night on here without finding something else I need to research? I've already researched and learned about the Maxi Jet mod tonight...LOL.


Active Member
lol dude, i find something new every night to research, whether it be a type of fish, a new design, something, im constantly researching on here, or on other sites LOL
Well I just researched the cleaner wrasse and have learned all I ever want to know about protein skimmers and am in the process of learning about lights right now.


sigh. i am so sick of this. i hear very mixed reviews about canister filters, i have no clue what to do, lol. some say they are great some say terrible....but the vast majority of the reviews i have read are very positive.


Originally Posted by wpost2
sigh. i am so sick of this. i hear very mixed reviews about canister filters, i have no clue what to do, lol. some say they are great some say terrible....but the vast majority of the reviews i have read are very positive.
you need to just focus on what you have, you are stuck with the canister so you will make the most of it, i have done it and you can do it to, every week you will open the canister replace the white spongy foam and take the bio balls or ceramic noodles and put them in a bucked with water from the tank and slush it around untill they are clean, never do this in new water as you will kill the bacteria. wipe down the inside of the cannister with a clean sponge and there should be no slimy serfaces put it back together and start it up again, you can do this every two weeks with the biomedia but the sponge should be replaced every week, this is what ive been doing for a coulple of years with a 300 litre reef tank that has 6 fish and alot of corals-no skimmer, i do a 10 percent water change every week and the water is clear as it could be, there is also alot of rock wich filters the water well to, you should be fine


Active Member
hey wpost, if i remember right from what i read in another post, you want to figure roughly 1-1.5lbs of LR per gallon, so you prolly need at least 40lbs of lr, but, dont quote me on that, since the memory is kinda shaky on that one


Originally Posted by wpost2
i have half an inch behind my tank, i have no room for a fuge i say! =P as for your live rock comment, i can most certainly put some more in, if that would help the situation? maybe another 10 lbs?
and im not buying fish anytime soon dont worry bout that. may wait till after new years, because im going to be in louisiana for 2 weeks during christmas and im not sure i can leave my fish alone for that long, but i havent thought that part through as of yet.
You may want to add as much as maybe 15 or 20lbs two reasons 1 it will help with your bioload when you do add fish, you need a pound to a pound and a half per gal. of water volume and 2nd if you add it now you won't have to play catch up later down the line. Since you will not be adding the fish right away you still have time to go through a mini cycle if need be.


Originally Posted by wpost2
sigh. i am so sick of this. i hear very mixed reviews about canister filters, i have no clue what to do, lol. some say they are great some say terrible....but the vast majority of the reviews i have read are very positive.
I think I said this already but it can be done I have a canister and a sump. I run carbon,pre-filters & nitrate sponges in the canister and live rock rubble in my sump. and still use a HOB skimmer. You just have to stay on top of the canister.


well if it resets my tank cycle i dont think that really matters anyway, im going to be home for two weeks during christmas time so i should probably wait until after that to get my fish anyway. how long is a full cycle? 3 - 4 wks?


Active Member
hey post, from what ive read, a full cycle tends to vary on several different factors, so it just kinda depends, it could last only 3 days, or 3 months, at least thats what ive been told, read, and researched :p


Active Member
A full cycle can potentially take a couple days or you may not even truly cycle at all if using enough cured live rock. The tank should be aged for about a month anyway regardless of cycle. This also makes it easier to tackle new tank issues that often come up and to play around wih your aquascape.