New additions I had to show off


They're both females. I'm not that lucky. These are the first marble cats I've seen in this area.


I had them feed at the lfs. I wanted to make sure everything was ok. I'll try and feed them in a couple of days after they've gotten use to their new home.


Active Member
Those are very nice. I saw some at the wholesalers in LA a couple of weeks ago. Thought about getting a couple, but decided to do a FOWLR instead.


Kickass dude. Although those are coral cats, not marbled cats. Somehow I knew that tank wouldnt remain sharkless for long :D


Your right they are coral catsharks. Now for the bad news. I lost both of them last night. I'm very frustrated not only for the money lost, but the animal loss is killing me. I need ideas. I've checked all of the water parameters and they're fine. What am I missing? I have a golden moray and 5 green chomis in the tank and they seem to be fine. Did I just get bad livestock or am I missing something. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

tony detroit

Active Member
Wow that seriously sucks. I'm assuming they're in the same tank as the PJ was. Sorry man. Sounds like you got something seriously bad going on in that tank.


Any ideas Tony. The water tests fine, the chomis and the eel are doing fine. Is this some nasty coicidence. I will add this that the Port jackson had been sick with an eye infection before he was put into this tank. What could be so fatal in such a short time to sharks but not to eels and green chomis?:confused:


It's a brand new tank and I haven't put copper in it. Is there a test for copper. Maybe a rock is leaching copper out. I think that's a stretch though. This is the frustrating part, everything looks good. Anyway thanks for the help and keep the ideas coming.


That sucks man. As you already know those sharks arent the easiest things to come by in lfs's. Did they show the same symptoms as the pj? I'm hoping its just a coincidence and nothings wrong with the tank.


They were breathing a little heavy like the pj. But considering they just took a car ride that didn't seem too unusual. I also added a power head to get more air in the water until my new return pump shows up to increase circulation. There is a TV set next to the tank could it effect the shark in someway(ie magnetic field) or something. I really feel like I'm fishing (no pun intended) but I just can't figure this one out. Now I'm scared to put anything in the tank. Let me tell you 320 gallons of water is not nearly as entertaining as 320 with a shark. Again thanks for the ideas and keep them coming. I'm going crazy trying to figure this one out.

tony detroit

Active Member
Yeah, you might want to take the eel, chromis, sand and everything out and just start over. Possibly there is something inside one of your rocks. I'm guessing it's something bacterial. I'm gonna do some reading tonite after work and I'll get back to you tomorrow to see what you came up with.
Possibly brought in by your PJ. You said a while back that you run a UV correct??? If you don't you may want to consider getting one. I know I thought they were expensive, but when I thought about losing $700 worth of fish , $150 didn't sound too bad. You might want to write in to AFM and ask Scott Michael what he thinks.
I'm assuming that you checked both fish and the PJ for scars/injuries to see if they had been injured or anything like that.
Once again, sorry man. Those coral cats are great for the aquarium too. Wish all works out for you.