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Frogspawn...5 heads...These pics are only about 30 mins after acclimating, so none of them are fully open, I will post more later tonight and tomorrow..




I have always loved the frogspawns. I obtained one near death when I purchased a tank and now it is doing awesome!


Active Member
Yeah I still need to get a skimmer, you dont have that one you were selling anymore right? Do you take the rocks out of the tank?


Active Member
no i dont have it anymore. if i knew u needed one i would have saved it.
for hair alge i took the rock out and washed it in fresh water, but w/ that alde just do it in the tank and do a water change right after


Active Member
Alrighty, sounds good, I think i'll try to do it during the night when most of my corals are closed up...I am hoping to get a skimmer within a week or two, what would you recomend?


Active Member
i have a seaclone, people say there crap but mines great. fills the cup in a week.. other than that i dont know because your tank is so small. ill do a search real fast hang on


Active Member
Ok thanks, HEY its nto THHHHAAAT small...lmao ok I lied, it is. I wanted to upgrade but I dont wanna have to buy lights again...errr...


Active Member
I think your tank looks nice. I would leave the rock in there and get rid of whatever is causing your algae problems. Then, you can just siphon the algae off of the rocks. It won't grow back because you will have taken away the nutrients that is promoting its growth.
What size is your tank? If you are looking into getting a hang on the tank, the best three I would say are AquaC Remora, Excalibur, and Corallife.


Active Member
allright coralife has a good looking one, heared they were good, red sea=berlin, they are around $120-$180


Active Member
u should have bought my mh. i can sell it to u for $80. just tell the guy he took to long. it even has a brand new 10k xm. u want it?


Active Member
Personally, I don't like SeaClones, BakPaks, or Red Sea skimmers whatsoever. I don't think they are very effective. Some go as far as saying they are junk.
You can get an Excalibur for $100 that would work great on your tank. AquaC's are a little more expensive at $160. Keep in mind though, you get what you pay for in this hobby.