New DUAL Tank!!


Active Member
thanks could you tell with the tubes??
and i dont want clowns, as much as i love em, i already have two and want to keep it at that.


you could try adding two darf angels like a coral beauty and a flame angel to see if it would work. maybe some type of schooling fish so that the whole school would go through the tubes. now that would be cool.

nice tank by the way i want one.


ok i know u dont want anymore clowns but i have this idea. 2 anemones one on each side. a pair of clowns on each side. one pair one species and the other another species. both hosting. 2 diffrent species clowns in 2 diffrent species anemones in the same tank i thinkit would look awsome. then fill the tank up with fish that would use the tubes. a blenny, some wrasses, gobies, and anything else u you want. the only thing is, you would have to have both anemones in the tank before adding the clowns and youe would have to add the clowns at the same time.
thats what i would do,


Active Member
Originally Posted by NateP206
ok i know u dont want anymore clowns but i have this idea. 2 anemones one on each side. a pair of clowns on each side. one pair one species and the other another species. both hosting. 2 diffrent species clowns in 2 diffrent species anemones in the same tank i thinkit would look awsome. then fill the tank up with fish that would use the tubes. a blenny, some wrasses, gobies, and anything else u you want. the only thing is, you would have to have both anemones in the tank before adding the clowns and youe would have to add the clowns at the same time.
thats what i would do,

only problem with this idea is that a wandering clown may find itself in a bad situation- remember, no guarantee that the clown will hang in his anemone
also, if you were to add 2pr of clowns, thats 4 clowns at once into the 50g tank
a bit high on the bio load all at once, dont ya think?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nYgel
yea, i've got to say this will probably be one of the coolest tanks, i was always curious if anyone has ever made a tank like that.
Those are made by SeaClear in a 35g and 55g models


Active Member to clowns, no no no. thanks though! :eek:)
gsp would be pretty sweet inside the tubes, as long as its stinging didnt affect whatever fish or seahorses that got put in the tank.
at this point i'm not able to put it up, my summer life has gotten stormed with things, so it may be a bit longer before i get it up unfortunately


Active Member
put a real reef on the left, and "in living colour" fake corals on the right.
dare your guests to guess which is real.


Active Member
Bronco, my thoughts are that since they are not very wide you are looking at serious loss in swimming room. Stick with small species and I think the octo idea would be awesome. Just escape proof the tops for sure. Cardinals stay small and come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and even firefish. Sea horses and a pipefish?
It will look great whatever you decide to put in there. Barry

reef diver

Active Member
K no clowns. Id go with firefish, gobies, cardinals, the small stuff. GSP's dont sting that much, my diamond goby perched on my psps before he jumped "WEVE GOT A JUMPER PEOPLE!"


Active Member
i think itd be great to have seahorses and a fair tankmate for those that would not compete as much for food...then maybe just a few harmless softies for them...but i seem to be quite indecisive and will probably change my mind at least 5 more times if not more