NEW dwarf seahorses!!


Active Member
lol by no means a pro just know how to work my freakin camera finally!
but those are some really good close ups and they are very cute things!


those are sweet...
i have been looking for some dwarfs, any chance that you will ship me one or two (for a fee of course) when they get bigger


Active Member
haha, we'll see about shipping, i could probably do far as fish go i dont think you'd really want to have any other after you see how small the babies are, i would think any fish unless super tiny would eat can maybe a hawaiian shrimp which i believe is a vegeterian type shrimp./
my tank is a 10gallon, which is about the max size for the seahorses...alot of people have 5 gallon or 2.5gallon....i love em, i think 10 is just right, especially once the babies get older....we couldnt around 10 babies, 7 adults all on one of the dead sps there...i'll add more pics soon!


Active Member
and some more

that third one is one of my fav pics--we call him curious george because he likes to hang upside down eating



Bronco300, I live in Plainfield. How much do you charge for admission to see those little guys?


Active Member
$50 per ticket, behind the scenes tour an extra $25 ***) bring your own food too! haha...oh i imagine it could be for free :joy:


I was actually thinking $50.00 might be worth it. I'm placing an order to your place of employment. I will be in on Friday to pick it up so I will talk to you thn. BTW, how did the move go?


Active Member
it was...a move, to say the least...our moving company we hired was pretty sad...they had tons of problems, had two box trucks...each truck took ONE load ina bout 5 hours or so...what a nightmare...we got done, it just needs some organization
oh and if you think 50 is worth...i'll knock the price to $25 for Indiana discount